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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Jordan: Trucks have not entered Iraq since the reopening of Trebil

    Admin Assist
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    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Jordan: Trucks have not entered Iraq since the reopening of Trebil Empty Jordan: Trucks have not entered Iraq since the reopening of Trebil

    Post by Rocky Tue 12 Dec 2017, 2:59 am

    Jordan: Trucks have not entered Iraq since the reopening of Trebil

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    Economy News _ Baghdad
    The Jordanian truck owners' captain Mohammed Al-Daoud confirmed Tuesday that Jordanian trucks have not been allowed to enter Iraq since reopening since the border crossing, noting that the number of trucks carrying goods and goods between Jordan and Iraq ranges between 60-80 trucks a day.
    "The exchange between Jordanian and Iraqi trucks takes place in areas close to the border area between the two countries," Al-Daoud said in a statement to Jordan's Al-Ghad newspaper. Despite the reopening of the crossing at the end of last August. "
    He explained that "cumulative losses of the sector amounted to 690 million dinars during the past six years, where Jordan witnessed a number of border closures and crossings with some neighboring countries, which led to reduce the movement of foreign trucks by more than 80%."
    Al-Daoud pointed out that "the Jordanian trucks stopped transporting goods to the sector of the sector, causing a new loss of 30 million dinars, thus increasing the cumulative losses of the sector."
    The port of Trebil is the only crossing connecting the flow of commercial goods between the two countries, while there are other outlets but not for those commercial operations.
    The trade exchange between Jordan and Iraq has been suspended since July of 2015, completely because of the control of the organization "Da'ash" terrorist on those roads, which hampered the flow of traffic between the two countries, but returned during the month of August. 

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