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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Hariri's policy sends a strong message to Saudi Arabia and talks about the presence of Hezbollah in

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    Hariri's policy sends a strong message to Saudi Arabia and talks about the presence of Hezbollah in  Empty Hariri's policy sends a strong message to Saudi Arabia and talks about the presence of Hezbollah in

    Post by Rocky Fri 12 Jan 2018, 2:50 am

    Hariri's policy sends a strong message to Saudi Arabia and talks about the presence of Hezbollah in Iraq[/size]
    Hariri's policy sends a strong message to Saudi Arabia and talks about the presence of Hezbollah in  HARIRIR-1

     Twilight News    

     one hour ago

    Lebanese Prime Minister Saad Hariri sent a strong message to Saudi Arabia in his first meeting with a US media outlet since his resignation in Riyadh and later retracted it. 
    In an interview with the Wall Street Journal, Hariri said he was seeking to force Lebanon out of the regional conflict between Saudi Arabia and Iran. 
    "The door is always open to Hezbollah to participate in the government, which is to be formed after the elections scheduled for next May," he said in the dialogue held in his office in Beirut. 
    He pointed out that "Hezbollah, a member of this government, a comprehensive government, which includes all the major political parties, and achieve political stability of the country, and my main goal, to maintain political stability of the unity of the country."
    The Wall Street Journal said that during the dialogue Hariri sought to defy Saudi pressure on him to confront Hezbollah to counter Iran's influence in the Middle East, and instead insisted on a reconciliatory approach. 
    "Lebanon should be multi-sectarian, not a battlefield for fighting and proxy conflicts, as it was in the 1970s, and we reject any foreign interference in the country," Hariri said. 
    "We can not accept interference from any person or state in Lebanese politics," he said. "Our relations with Iran or the Gulf should be at best, but in the interests of Lebanon."

    The resignation of Riyadh 
    and the American newspaper to details of the "resignation of Riyadh" and the establishment of Hariri in Saudi Arabia, and pleased to announce his resignation. 
    The Lebanese prime minister declined to comment on in-depth details about the resignation and its aftermath. 
    "Saudi Arabia did not intervene directly in Lebanese politics," he said. 
    "But I also hope that Riyadh will return economic aid to Lebanon, and we affirm that we are adhering to the policy of keeping away from regional conflicts between Saudi Arabia and Iran."

    "I think Hezbollah is also committed to that policy. We have been seeing media attacks on the Arab world, and the Gulf in particular, very large in the past, but it has been significantly reduced in the current period, and this is positive."

    Hezbollah's arms 
    As for the withdrawal of Hezbollah from the battlefields of neighboring countries, he said: "This will take time, and will not happen overnight." 
    "Although Hezbollah may reduce its presence in Yemen and Iraq and withdraw completely from there, the situation is more complicated in Syria. Some countries see the presence of Hezbollah as a necessity, and consider that their presence is not interference in Syrian affairs. Trying to resolve the crisis. " 
    Hariri also warned Israel against trying to take military action against Hezbollah, saying that this would be highly counterproductive.

    "Every time they go to war with Lebanon, they strengthen Hezbollah and weaken the strength of the Lebanese state," he said.

      Current date/time is Wed 05 Feb 2025, 8:55 am