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    Saudi Arabia sends a message to Qatar: Enough is enough

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Saudi Arabia sends a message to Qatar: Enough is enough Empty Saudi Arabia sends a message to Qatar: Enough is enough

    Post by Rocky Sat 01 Jul 2017, 2:23 am

    Saudi Arabia sends a message to Qatar: Enough is enough

    Arab and international Saturday July 1, 2017

    Saudi Arabia addressed the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Qatar through the official Twitter account on the social networking site.

    The ministry aired a video on its account holds a statement in which Saudi Arabia shows the position of the blockade imposed on Qatar.

    Saudi Arabia confirmed foreign rejection of what it called "Qatar's support for terrorism and extremism," noting that the imposition of

    The siege came to Qatar in order to send a message that it: "Enough is enough."

    She added: "We reject Qatar's support for terrorism, extremism and expose our security and the security of the region at risk."

    The Saudi foreign that "Qatar did not abide by its commitments," arguing that "all efforts with Doha failed, and did not comply with repeated demands, most recently in 2013 and 2014".

    The statement added that Qatar "has not fulfilled its promises about stopping support and financing of terrorism, and non-interference in the internal affairs of States."

    The statement said that "the decision to cut ties with Qatar came to correct the current situation, and drying up the financing of terrorism and extremism."

    Saudi Foreign Affairs confirmed that "the boycott (imposed on Qatar) came to send a message that:" Enough is enough "and can not be Doha will continue its current policy."

    Besieged countries and gave the Qatari authorities 10 days to implement a requirement 13, pledging to take additional measures against the Doha if it refuses to do so. The deadline ends on Monday, July 3.

      Current date/time is Thu 12 Sep 2024, 9:40 pm