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    Son of Trump and his wife Vanessa are on the divorce .. The reason

    Admin Assist
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    Son of Trump and his wife Vanessa are on the divorce .. The reason Empty Son of Trump and his wife Vanessa are on the divorce .. The reason

    Post by Rocky Fri 16 Mar 2018, 1:52 am

    Son of Trump and his wife Vanessa are on the divorce .. The reason
    Arabic and International  Thursday, March 15 2018 at 15: 50 pm (عدد المشاهدات 771)
    Son of Trump and his wife Vanessa are on the divorce .. The reason 20180315_035031-20Son of Trump and his wife Vanessa are on the divorce .. The reason

     Follow-up / Sky Press:

    Over the past 24 hours, US news outlets have been circulating reports of disagreements between Donald Trump, the son of US President Donald Trump and his wife Vanessa, who are said to have reached the point of divorce.

    The first report, published on the sixth page of the news story yesterday, attributed to close friends of the couple saying that Don (Donald Jr.) and his wife live separately and study the subject of divorce.

    The report added that the problems of the couple are not new and attempts to reform the interrelationship have not succeeded so far. In the forefront of problems is the wife's complaint Vanessa of the media siege on her since her father handed over the presidency of the White House.

    "Vanessa also worries about her children and fears that the white powder incident, which was sprayed on her children last February, will recur.

    Women's Finty Fair added to the causes of the intractable disagreement between Donald Jr. and his wife about the theme of Twitter and what it causes for their relationship to permanent degeneration.

    The acquaintance of Donald Jr. and Vanessa was in a fashion show in 2003, when Donald Hr. introduced his son to Vanessa a few times.

    The New York Times later reported that Vanessa once said to Donald the son: Are not you the son of that disabled man?

    He married Don and Vanessa in 2005 and the wedding gift was a ring for $ 100,000 and they now have five children.

      Current date/time is Wed 05 Feb 2025, 8:06 am