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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

Welcome to the Neno's Place!

Neno's Place Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality


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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Abadi opens fire on Adel Abdul Mahdi! Iranian par excellence and reason

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

    Posts : 282968
    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Abadi opens fire on Adel Abdul Mahdi! Iranian par excellence and reason Empty Abadi opens fire on Adel Abdul Mahdi! Iranian par excellence and reason

    Post by Rocky Sun 02 Dec 2018, 2:19 pm

    [size=45][size=41]Abadi opens fire on Adel Abdul Mahdi! Iranian par excellence and reason[/size]
    2 hours ago
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    Eighth electronic newspaper
    The former Prime Minister, Haider al-Abadi, said that the alliance (Saron), supported by the leader of the Sadrist movement Moqtada al-Sadr, and (Al-Fath), led by Hadi al-Amiri,
    Taking the lion's share in the Iraqi government, noting that some government ministers nominated from outside the border. He said in a television interview, "This government was formed in light of an agreement between certain blocks, I am not part of this agreement,
    I did not sign. This is not to say that I am against. "He added that" the Fatah and other allies are calling for the waiver of their share, but in fact, when the agreement is seen, they (the ascetic and the Fatah) have taken the lion's share in the sovereign and non-sovereign ministries. "" If this is a quota government, Where are the shares of the other components, even if they are not a quota government? We must apply the same balance to everyone. "
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    Read more   Qassem Soleimani orders Iran's death squads spread in Iraq This is what they will do to the Iraqis
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    He added: The head of the movement of Ata Faleh al-Fayadh "does not meet the conditions for nomination to the Ministry of the Interior" but there is pressure on Abdul Mahdi by Iran and approved, noting that "some names candidates for the cabins from outside the border," noting that "naming ministers without an error Unforgivable and must be dismissed some of them. "

    He said that "the Minister of Communications (Naim Thajil al-Rubaie) does not represent us and we do not know and surprised to be counted on the share of the victory coalition."

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