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    Abadi advises Adel Abdul Mahdi

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

    Posts : 282968
    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Abadi advises Adel Abdul Mahdi Empty Abadi advises Adel Abdul Mahdi

    Post by Rocky Tue 02 Oct 2018, 5:13 pm

    Abadi advises Adel Abdul Mahdi

    Editorial date: 2018/10/3 0:44 • 946 times read

    Abadi advises Adel Abdul Mahdi
    (Baghdad: Al-Furat News) congratulated the outgoing Prime Minister, Haider Abadi, Adel Abdul Mahdi, by forming a government.
    Abadi said, according to a statement of his office received the agency {Euphrates News} a copy of him, addressing Abdul Mahdi, "Congratulations on the occasion of your task to form a new government and wish you success in its formation and choose who is best to fill the government positions to provide the best services to citizens, asking the Almighty to take the hands of the people of Iraq and its people Preserving its security and well-being. " 
    The House of Representatives, was elected on Tuesday evening, Barham Ahmed Saleh President of the Republic, replacing Fuad Masum. 
    Saleh assigned the candidate Adel Abdul Mahdi to form a government and will have 30 days to form a government and submitted to Parliament for approval

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