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    Crashing planes and ships collide ... Disaster threatens the US military

    Admin Assist
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    Join date : 2012-12-21

      Crashing planes and ships collide ... Disaster threatens the US military Empty Crashing planes and ships collide ... Disaster threatens the US military

    Post by Rocky Tue 18 Dec 2018, 3:45 am

    Crashing planes and ships collide ... Disaster threatens the US military

    Tuesday, December 18,

      Crashing planes and ships collide ... Disaster threatens the US military NB-255416-636807088520742358

    The US military is facing a major crisis over the past years, causing the loss of many of its soldiers, in addition to the material losses. 

    "The proportion of incidents in the branches of the US military has increased significantly over the past years," according to the magazine "Bobler Mechanics" that "it varies between the accidents of aircraft and aircraft accidents and the delinquency of warships during routine tasks or training."

    The magazine pointed out that "one of the most prominent air accidents in the US military, a collision between an F-15 fighter aircraft and a KC-130 refueling aircraft during the month of December, near the coast of Japan ," adding that " The incident resulted in the death of one of the pilots of the fighter "F - 18" while the crew of the refueling aircraft. 

    The number of military aircraft accidents in the US military between 2013 and 2017 increased by 40 percent, according to the magazine, which indicated that in the past few weeks only 6 military incidents occurred, killing 16 US military, including the incident of the most serious attack helicopter in the US military " Apache ". 

    The US military, killed in accidents during military missions between 2013 and 2017, has reached 133 military personnel.

    The US military divides military incidents into three categories, the lowest of which is the C class, which includes material losses ranging from $ 50 to $ 500,000 plus human losses, while category "A" is the highest with losses of more than $ 2 million and significant losses , In addition to the loss of the military vehicle. 

    The US military faced unprecedented sea accidents in its modern history, three of which killed 17 sailors.

      Current date/time is Wed 05 Feb 2025, 9:50 am