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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Minister of Trade announces the establishment of new marketing centers

    Admin Assist
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    Minister of Trade announces the establishment of new marketing centers Empty Minister of Trade announces the establishment of new marketing centers

    Post by Rocky Sat 16 Mar 2019, 6:00 am

    Minister of Trade announces the establishment of new marketing centers

    12:31 - 16/03/2019[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

    [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]
    Information / Baghdad ..
    The Minister of Commerce, Mohammed Hashim Al-Ani, on Saturday, the development of new marketing centers in the province of Wasit in preparation for the marketing season.
    "Trade Minister Mohammed Hashim al-Ani arrived in the city of Kut this morning and met the local government and met with them in the presence of a number of members of parliament," the ministry said in a statement.
    The statement added that "the meeting discussed the ways of success of marketing campaign for wheat crop."
    Al-Ani pointed out that "the development of new marketing centers in preparation for the marketing season and facilitate the procedures for farmers." Ending / 25

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    Admin Assist
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    Minister of Trade announces the establishment of new marketing centers Empty Minister of Trade arrives in Kut and announces the establishment of new marketing centers in the pro

    Post by Rocky Sat 16 Mar 2019, 6:35 am

    Minister of Trade arrives in Kut and announces the establishment of new marketing centers in the province

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    The Minister of Commerce, Mohammed Al-Ani, announced the creation of new marketing centers in [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] province in preparation for the marketing season. 

    The Ministry of Commerce said in a statement that "the Minister of Commerce, Dr. Mohammed Hashim al-Ani arrived this morning to the city of Kut and met the local government and met with them in the presence of a number of members of parliament." 

    She pointed out that "the meeting discussed ways to success marketing campaign for wheat crop." 

    Al-Ani said, according to the statement, "the development of new marketing centers in preparation for the marketing season and facilitate the procedures for farmers.

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    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

    Posts : 282968
    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Minister of Trade announces the establishment of new marketing centers Empty Minister of Commerce announces the establishment of new marketing centers in Wasit in preparation fo

    Post by Rocky Sat 16 Mar 2019, 7:09 am

    [size=36]Minister of Commerce announces the establishment of new marketing centers in Wasit in preparation for the marketing season[/size]

    Economy | 11:21 - 16/03/2019

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    BAGHDAD - 
    The Minister of Commerce, Mohammed al-Ani, Saturday, to the province of Wasit, announcing the development of new marketing centers in the province in preparation for the marketing season. 
    The Ministry of Commerce, in a statement received / Mawazine News, a copy of it, "The Minister of Commerce Mohammed al-Ani arrived, this morning, to the city of Kut in a visit in preparation for the marketing season and the implementation of marketing plan that begins mid-next month." 
    The ministry added that "Minister Ani held a meeting with the local government in Wasit in the presence of the governor and members of the House of Representatives for the province," indicating that "the meeting discussed the ways to success marketing campaign for wheat crop."
    "Our visit to Wasit province is an important priority in the marketing campaign as the first province of marketing. We came to listen to the local government's view in the province and to reach a plan for the success of the marketing plan, which is expected to increase significantly and different from previous years," Al-Ani said. 
    He added that "the meeting with the local government was successful and positive, and it was announced the development of new marketing centers in order to absorb the quantities expected this year, which will exceed previous years." 
    For his part, Governor Mohammad Al-Mayahi said, "The importance of Minister Al-Ani's visit to the province to solve the problems related to the marketing campaign and the mechanisms of success to achieve the objectives and the maximum benefit of local grains that will be supportive of food security."
    He continued: "We have discussed with the Minister a number of observations concerning the work of the Ministry of Commerce and its services, as well as the success of marketing campaign for grain crops and the development of marketing centers in several areas of the province."

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