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    Iranian official: Iranian armed forces are conducting intensive surveillance of the US aircraft carr

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    Iranian official: Iranian armed forces are conducting intensive surveillance of the US aircraft carr Empty Iranian official: Iranian armed forces are conducting intensive surveillance of the US aircraft carr

    Post by Rocky Tue 07 May 2019, 2:24 am

    Iranian official: Iranian armed forces are conducting intensive surveillance of the US aircraft carrier after entering the Mediterranean Sea
    Tue, 07 May 2019 06:56:00


    Iran's armed forces are carrying out intensive surveillance of USS Abraham Lincoln, after they discovered that they entered the Mediterranean 21 days ago, spokesman for Iran's Supreme National Security Council Kiwan Khosravi said. 
    Khosravi described the move by Washington as "an improper use of obsolete tools to provoke a psychological war against Iran," according to IRNA. 
    The Wall Street Journal said Tuesday that information obtained by Washington last week was behind the recent move against Iran. 
    According to the newspaper, the information indicated Iran planned to target US forces in Iraq and Syria. 
    According to the Wall Street Journal, the information reported Iran's coordination through agents attacks in the Straits of Bab al-Mandab, Washington also received, according to the newspaper, information on the possibility of Iran attacks by aircraft march in the Gulf.
    US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said Washington was monitoring Iran's actions as an escalation and warned that any attack on Washington's interests or allies would be met with a harsh response. 
    The White House announced on Sunday the deployment of the aircraft carrier, saying it was "a clear and unambiguous message" to Tehran because of the existence of "alarming warnings" undisclosed. 
    US Defense Secretary Patrick Chanahan said the orders to deploy an aircraft carrier and bombers in the Middle East were "a re-positioning of equipment in response to indications of a serious threat from the Iranian regime." 
    One intelligence official said the intelligence was so specific that it provided details of where possible attacks on US forces and the timeframe for carrying out such attacks. The official added that the threats were not only against US forces in Iraq but for troops coming and leaving the area.
    Three US officials told Reuters, asking not to be named, on Monday that intelligence had identified "multiple and serious threats" from Iran and its forces primarily against US forces in Iraq, and said there were also concerns about US forces in Syria and neighboring seas.

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