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    Urgent The Pentagon reveals important details about the killing of Baghdadi .. This is the fate of h

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    Urgent The Pentagon reveals important details about the killing of Baghdadi .. This is the fate of h Empty Urgent The Pentagon reveals important details about the killing of Baghdadi .. This is the fate of h

    Post by Rocky Sun 27 Oct 2019, 2:10 am


    Urgent The Pentagon reveals important details about the killing of Baghdadi .. This is the fate of his body

    [rtl]Release date:: 2019/10/27 9:18 • 574 times read[/rtl]
    Urgent The Pentagon reveals important details about the killing of Baghdadi .. This is the fate of h Story_img_5db536c9030b9
    A special US military unit belonging to the Navy Seal has carried out a landing operation against an Islamic State (IS) gathering in northwestern Syria in Idlib province, a senior Pentagon official said. Its leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi.
    The official, who asked not to be named at the Pentagon, said Baghdadi was killed after US intelligence services confirmed his location. He was immediately liquidated and his body captured.
    The official pointed out that the DNA test proved the identification of Baghdadi.
    The Pentagon is silent on the fate of al-Baghdadi's body.
    In a preliminary analysis, Pentagon commanders assert that Baghdadi's death does not mean the end of the war against IS and that military operations against him will continue, a senior Pentagon official said.
    The US television networks "CNN" and "ABC" early Sunday that Baghdadi was probably killed after a US raid in the Idlib region in Syria.
    CNN reported that the US military was conducting tests before he could officially confirm Baghdadi's death.
    One US media quoted several government sources as saying that Baghdadi may have killed himself with a suicide vest when US special forces attacked his position.
    The White House announced Saturday that US President Donald Trump will make a "very important" announcement on Sunday morning.
    Before that, Trump wrote in a tweet on Twitter, "Something just happened too big!", Without further explanation.
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    Urgent The Pentagon reveals important details about the killing of Baghdadi .. This is the fate of h Empty Urgent Iraqi security sources: We received confirmation from inside Syria that Baghdadi was killed

    Post by Rocky Sun 27 Oct 2019, 2:11 am


    Urgent Iraqi security sources: We received confirmation from inside Syria that Baghdadi was killed

    [rtl]Release date:: 2019/10/27 9:10 • 226 times read[/rtl]
    Urgent The Pentagon reveals important details about the killing of Baghdadi .. This is the fate of h Story_img_5db534db19f1c
    Two Iraqi security sources told Reuters they had received confirmation of the death of ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi from inside Syria.
    "Our sources from inside Syria confirmed to the Iraqi intelligence team in charge of chasing al-Baghdadi that he was killed along with his bodyguard in Idlib after discovering his hideout as he tried to move his family from Idlib towards the Turkish border," one of the sources told Reuters.
    This, according to US media reports, killed Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi in a special operation carried out by US forces in the Syrian province of Idlib.
    While the information has not been officially confirmed, the White House announced that US President Donald Trump will make an "important statement" on foreign policy, on his part, for his part, Trump said in a tweet on his "Twitter" that "something big has just happened" without Reveals any details
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    Urgent The Pentagon reveals important details about the killing of Baghdadi .. This is the fate of h Empty Urgent US sources: Baghdadi blew himself up before being killed by raiding forces in Syria

    Post by Rocky Sun 27 Oct 2019, 2:15 am


    Urgent US sources: Baghdadi blew himself up before being killed by raiding forces in Syria

    [rtl]Release date:: 2019/10/27 8:11 • 678 times read[/rtl]
    Urgent The Pentagon reveals important details about the killing of Baghdadi .. This is the fate of h Story_img_5db526f9c84de

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    Urgent The Pentagon reveals important details about the killing of Baghdadi .. This is the fate of h Empty US media tell details .. Where and how Baghdadi was killed? A: No

    Post by Rocky Sun 27 Oct 2019, 2:32 am

    [size=35][size=35]US media tell details .. Where and how Baghdadi was killed? A: No[/size]


    2019-10-27 | 01:37
    Urgent The Pentagon reveals important details about the killing of Baghdadi .. This is the fate of h Doc-P-323018-637077516221385478



    The US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) contributed to its location, without giving details of its location.

    The official has not disclosed the full details of the operation so far, and other US officials contacted by Reuters declined to comment, and the Pentagon has not yet responded to a request for comment.

    US President Donald Trump wrote in a tweet earlier that "something very big has just happened," noting that the speech will be at 13:00 GMT.

    Trump is expected to make his statement in the White House reception room, where he has made a number of important announcements.

    He used this room last week to declare that the ceasefire between Turkey and the Kurds in Syria is holding.

    Al-Baghdadi, whose real name is [url= %D8%B9%D9%88%D8%A7%D8%AF %D9%85%D8%AD%D9%85%D8%AF %D8%A5%D8%A8%D8%B1%D8%A7%D9%87%D9%8A%D9%85 %D8%B9%D9%84%D9%8A %D9%85%D8%AD%D9%85%D8%AF %D8%A7%D9%84%D8%A8%D8%AF%D8%B1%D9%8A/ar/]Ibrahim Awad Mohammed Ibrahim Ali Mohammed al-Badri[/url] , is among the most wanted in the world, especially from the United States, which is leading an alliance against the militant group in Iraq and Syria .

    The United States has set aside $ 25 million for any information contributing to Baghdadi, as well as al-Qaeda leader Ayman al-Zawahiri.
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    Urgent The Pentagon reveals important details about the killing of Baghdadi .. This is the fate of h Empty Baghdadi and two of his wives were killed

    Post by Rocky Sun 27 Oct 2019, 2:41 am

    Urgent The Pentagon reveals important details about the killing of Baghdadi .. This is the fate of h Bagdadi-768x432Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, the leader of ISIS

    Baghdadi and two of his wives were killed

    Monitor - Solution Iraq
    A senior US Defense Department official said a special force of the US Army carried out an operation targeting ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi in a cache inside Syrian territory.

    According to US media, the targeting took place inside the province of Idlib in northern Syria , after receiving intelligence that al-Baghdadi was inside a compound he used as a hideout.
    According to these means, "Baghdadi" blew himself up with an explosive vest as elements of the US force approached, after a brief fighting inside the compound.
    The Pentagon did not confirm the killing of the group's leader, but made it clear that it was subject to completion of DNA analysis, according to (CNN).
    In the meantime, Iraqi security sources confirmed that / 8 / US Army helicopters targeted in the early hours of Sunday morning Baghdadi headquarters in the village of Barisha in Idlib countryside.
    At the same time, a US official confirmed that two wives of the leader of the organization were killed during the bombing of the latter himself.
    Ibrahim Awad Mohammed Ibrahim Ali Mohammed Al-Badri, nicknamed # Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi, is one of the most wanted people in the world.
    The United States, which is leading an international coalition against ISIS in Syria and Iraq, has allocated $ 25 million to anyone who gives any information about his whereabouts.

    Monitoring and editing - Farid Edwar

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    Urgent The Pentagon reveals important details about the killing of Baghdadi .. This is the fate of h Empty Security sources: 8 US helicopters targeted the headquarters of the Baghdadi terrorist in the villag

    Post by Rocky Sun 27 Oct 2019, 2:46 am

    Security sources: 8 US helicopters targeted the headquarters of the Baghdadi terrorist in the village of Barisha in Idlib, Syria

    Urgent The Pentagon reveals important details about the killing of Baghdadi .. This is the fate of h F388f758002befd4c3bf304655d5c93a
    Sunday 27 October 2019 - 10:03

    Security sources: 8 US helicopters targeted the headquarters of the Baghdadi terrorist in the village of Barisha in Idlib, Syria
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    Urgent The Pentagon reveals important details about the killing of Baghdadi .. This is the fate of h Empty US military sources reveal the time it takes to kill Baghdadi

    Post by Rocky Sun 27 Oct 2019, 2:58 am


    US military sources reveal the time it takes to kill Baghdadi

    [rtl]Release date:: 2019/10/27 10:31 • 167 times read[/rtl]
    Urgent The Pentagon reveals important details about the killing of Baghdadi .. This is the fate of h Story_img_5db54917698aa
    BAGHDAD (AFP) - US military sources revealed on Sunday the time it takes to kill Islamic State terrorist leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi.
    The sources said according to international media that "the killing of Baghdadi with eight people took an hour and 30 minutes."
    In the same context, the Syrian Observatory said that "eight helicopters took off from northeast Aleppo at 12:30 at midnight, accompanied by a warplane launched a raid on Baghdadi hideout, and clashed with elements entrenched in a house near an area west of Barisha village in Idlib."
    "The helicopters are evidence that the operation involved an airdrop and a desire to arrest the commander who was holed up in that house, which is already belonging to a jihadi leader," he said.
    According to the "Observatory" that "there are nine deaths as a result of the operation, including the leader and his wife and a number of children." is over
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    Urgent The Pentagon reveals important details about the killing of Baghdadi .. This is the fate of h Empty Re: Urgent The Pentagon reveals important details about the killing of Baghdadi .. This is the fate of h

    Post by lesley.beter Sun 27 Oct 2019, 8:49 am

    God bless our military
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    Urgent The Pentagon reveals important details about the killing of Baghdadi .. This is the fate of h Empty Re: Urgent The Pentagon reveals important details about the killing of Baghdadi .. This is the fate of h

    Post by brian Sun 27 Oct 2019, 6:54 pm


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    Urgent The Pentagon reveals important details about the killing of Baghdadi .. This is the fate of h Empty Re: Urgent The Pentagon reveals important details about the killing of Baghdadi .. This is the fate of h

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