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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Abadi begins his conversations with the political blocs to form a government

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Abadi begins his conversations with the political blocs to form a government Empty Abadi begins his conversations with the political blocs to form a government

    Post by Rocky Wed 13 Aug 2014, 6:34 am

    Abadi begins his conversations with the political blocs to form a government

    Prime Minister-designate Haider Abadi
    Author: Editor: hl Reporter:

    08/13/2014 11:57
    Tomorrow's Press / Baghdad announced the Information Office of the Prime Minister-designate Haider Baada, Wednesday, for the start of Abadi Bhwarth with the political blocs to form a government.
    The office said in a statement received "tomorrow Press", "Prime Minister-designate Haider Abadi, currently preoccupied with the formation of the ministerial Alcabah and numbers of the government program, in agreement with other political blocs."
    The bureau added that "al-Abadi make an effort to come out strong government depends on the competence and integrity and contribute to saving the country from the crises and problems that face the Foundations of security and political."
    He stressed that "Abadi do its utmost in order to display ministerial cab as soon as possible in order to go to the stage of the restoration of security and the eradication of gangs Daash and other terrorist organizations that require great effort and a new security strategy commensurate with the current situation away."
    He was President Fuad Masum had commissioned, in August for 11 of the current, the National Alliance candidate for prime minister Haidar al-Abbadi form the next government. They had been assigned Abadi welcomed locally and internationally while counting President Barack Obama promising step and pledged to support the new Iraqi government, meanwhile, announced a representative leader Ali Shamkhani, said his country supports the legal path of ongoing regarding the election of the new Iraqi prime minister also welcomed Saudi Arabia and several other countries in this commissioning .

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