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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Investing the desert and agriculture with groundwater behind the “historic” drought of Lake Sawa

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Investing the desert and agriculture with groundwater behind the “historic” drought of Lake Sawa Empty Investing the desert and agriculture with groundwater behind the “historic” drought of Lake Sawa

    Post by Rocky Fri 22 Apr 2022, 5:13 am

    [size=30]Investing the desert and agriculture with groundwater behind the “historic” drought of Lake Sawa

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    Yes Iraq: Baghdad

    The Ministry of Water Resources considered the unjust use of well water and the adoption of groundwater for land investment and cultivation behind the “historic” drought of Lake Sawa, as it has not happened before, according to the ministry.
    Ministry advisor Awni Diab said, "What happened to Lake Sawa is a negative indicator, and it is an indication that Iraq is going through a difficult drought," noting that "the lake is exposed for the first time in this form of complete drought after indications of low levels began in it nearly two years ago."
    He added, "Despite its limited economic benefits, as the lake's water is very salty and there are no fish in it except for very small and ineffective fish, and birds are rarely found in it, and there are no natural plants such as reeds and sedge, but this lake is a natural lake and its presence in the desert is in such a way. It has a special value, as it may be a tourist area, and some specialists can benefit from it to study this phenomenon.”
    He pointed out that "the drying of this lake in this way came as a result of the unjust use of groundwater in the Samawah desert, which led to the depletion of the subterranean water reserves of the region," stressing that "the ministry had previously warned against this after it caused an uproar over the investment of desert lands and the cultivation of one million acres on the land." Well water, which has dangerous and dire consequences because it ends the groundwater in the region, and therefore this huge reservoir of groundwater must be properly invested.”
    Sawa Lake is a closed saline lake located in the Iraqi Muthanna Governorate near the Euphrates River, 23 km west of the city of Samawah.
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