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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Agriculture: Investing in desert areas will provide food security

    Admin Assist
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    Agriculture: Investing in desert areas will provide food security Empty Agriculture: Investing in desert areas will provide food security

    Post by Rocky Mon 23 Oct 2023, 4:50 am

    Agriculture: Investing in desert areas will provide food security

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    Economy News _ Baghdad
    The Ministry of Agriculture entrusted the private sector and agricultural associations to import fertilizers for the benefit of farmers, stressing that planting desert areas with wheat within the current winter plan will provide food security for the country from the crop.  
    The Ministry’s Administrative Undersecretary, Dr. Mahdi Sahar Al-Jubouri, said in an interview with “Al-Sabah” followed by “Al-Iqtisad News” that the winter plan for the current year began with the cultivation of one million and 500 thousand dunums within the irrigated areas, with the plan being reconsidered in the middle of next month, in addition to the cultivation of four million dunums. In desert areas, depending on groundwater and using pivot systems. He stressed that investing an area of ​​four million dunums of desert areas in growing wheat will provide food security for the country from the crop, which is what the ministry actually implemented during the last winter season, achieving a production of five million and 200 thousand tons of wheat and marketing it to the silos of the Ministry of Commerce, in addition to marketing 460 tons of wheat. One thousand tons of crop seeds to the Mesopotamia and Iraqi seed production companies. Al-Jubouri stated that preparations for the winter plan began early, whether with its approval by the Council of Ministers on the first of this month, in addition to starting to distribute seeds and supplies among farmers at the beginning of last month due to the quality of the last season and the readiness of large numbers of farmers’ lands to grow the crop. He also hopes that the season will be The winter is wet, relying on rain instead of surface water. 
    He revealed that the Ministry has entrusted the task of importing fertilizers for the benefit of farmers to the private sector and transferring them to the private sector and the General Union of Agricultural Associations, Agencies and Agricultural Offices, through a contract with the General Company for Southern Fertilizers. The government’s directions for the current year are to increase the support provided for DAP fertilizers and urea, expressing He expressed his hope that fertilizer prices, which are currently stable, will decline further to be in line with subsidized prices, similar to previous years.

    Views 52
    Added 10/23/2023 - 7:42 AM
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