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    American army will have military bases in the province of Salah al-Din

    Admin Assist
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    American army will have military bases in the province of Salah al-Din Empty American army will have military bases in the province of Salah al-Din

    Post by Rocky Mon 22 Sep 2014, 5:39 am

    American army will have military bases in the province of Salah al-Din
    22-09-2014 12:24 PM
    Free -

    Despite political opposition, the vast presence of American troops in Iraq again, and the threat of Shi'ite organizations armed confronted them in the event of her return to the country, has announced the Board of Salahuddin province (170 km northwest of Baghdad) announced today that the American military will have the rules of the Chairperson in the province. 
    said Chairman of the Committee on Public Policy in Council Sabhan Mulla said 'the American military will have the rules of the Chairperson in salads, especially the rules that had previously occupied, including the base of pristine air, Spyker and Chinese in Tikrit' .. He pointed out that 'who controls those rules will take sites strategy to manage his battle for him.' He added that 'the process of liberalization of the provincial capital of Tikrit, which is very close in the final stages and waiting for American intervention to eliminate sites Daash', stressing that 'this intervention will be accompanied by a strong ground attack for the army' as quoted by the agency 'Alsumaria News' Iraqi. He denied that the provincial council has asked the prime minister Haidar al-Abbadi exception to the province's decision to stop the indiscriminate shelling stressing the need to 'stop the bombing in order for the displaced to return to their homes.' 
    On the face of it has been MP for the Liberal block of the Sadrist movement Abdul Aziz Dalimy intervention American in Iraq is unacceptable Valamirkan air and land are the main reason for supporting the 'Daash' in the region, according to a press statement on Sunday, seen 'Elaph' to read '. He added that Dalimy Peace Brigades of the Sadrist movement will fight enemies they Daash America, because they are two sides of the same coin .. warning that the entry of the Americans to Iraq will be negative repercussions on the region. He confirmed that the Brigades peace will respond to all the sites that are holed up in which the Americans .. He stressed that the Sadrists refuse to build a state of military bases in Iraq. 
    For its part, demanded that the MP thoracic Iqbal Gurabei discuss parliamentary about American intervention in Iraq, 'which is rejected by all the sons of the Iraqi people 'she says. She said in a statement today that 'the United States that came out of the door, thanks to the Islamic Resistance want to return from the net via the fighter Daash.' 
    and confirmed that the Sadrist movement and the people will be on the lookout and will be the land of Iraq cemetery for them as it was and will be a graveyard for the creature Daash. 
    explained Gurabei that America wants implementation of its interests and the interests of the corollary Israel in Iraq and the region and this Manrvdah .. She said the Parliament's demands to discuss this matter and express their total rejection of undermining the integrity and sovereignty of Iraq. " 
    On Saturday, hundreds of supporters of the Sadrist movement in a mass demonstration in central Baghdad to demand to prevent the return of American troops to Iraq under the pretext of fighter organization 'Daash' .. and considered international intervention is rejected it violates Iraqi sovereignty.
    was Shiite cleric Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani, warned last Friday on the lips of Certified Khatib F Karbala, Sheikh Abdel Mahdi al-Karbalai of converting foreign assistance to Iraq to cope with organizing the Islamic state input to prejudice independent political and military decision in the country and a pretext for the dominance of foreign decision and confirmed the ability of the Iraqis to defeat the organization.

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