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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Integrity: $9 million, the amount of damage to public funds in Kimadia Company

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    Integrity: $9 million, the amount of damage to public funds in Kimadia Company Empty Integrity: $9 million, the amount of damage to public funds in Kimadia Company

    Post by Rocky Sun 24 Dec 2023, 4:44 am

    POSTED ON[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] BY [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

    [size=52]Integrity: $9 million, the amount of damage to public funds in Kimadia Company[/size]

    [size=45]The Integrity Commission confirmed that the General Company for Marketing Pharmaceuticals and Medical Supplies “Kimadia” has $100 million and 139 billion dinars in outstanding debts, and that $9 million is the amount of damage to public funds as a result of not preserving glass bottles.[/size]
    [size=45]The Authority’s Prevention Department confirmed in a report it prepared on the results of its visits to the company and its stores in Housing, Dabash, Justice, and the Serum and Vaccine Institute; To investigate the reality of the situation of the General Company for Marketing Pharmaceuticals and Medical Supplies “Kimadia”, according to a statement received by the Authority (Al-Mada): “The non-resolution of debts owed by Arab and foreign companies, ministries and entities not affiliated with a ministry, and health institutions contracting with the company,” confirming that “the total debts owed by Arab and foreign companies amounted to (389,763,286) million dinars, (92,882,899) million dollars, and (7,801,461) million euros,” indicating that “those debts were realized pursuant to (113) judicial rulings, and their subject has not been resolved; As for the locations of the intermediary companies and the offices contracted with them, there is no evidence. As for the debts owed to the company internally, they amounted to (139,260,473,360) billion dinars, which have not been collected. Due to weak claim procedures.”[/size]
    [size=45]The department urged, in a report, a copy of which was sent to the Office of the Prime Minister, the General Secretariat of the Council of Ministers, the Integrity and Health Committees in the House of Representatives, and the Minister of Health, to “sign import contracts directly with producing companies without resorting to intermediary companies and scientific offices.” To reduce financial costs and ensure speedy implementation and mutual rights for both parties,” she pointed out, “the need for the company - in coordination with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs - to expedite the approval of import contracts; In order to arrange its preparation on the specified dates.” The report recommended “the need to develop a clear work strategy; To advance the company’s economic and technical status, and the possibility of increasing its capital to carry out its duties in the areas of service, production, investment and increasing import of medicines and medical devices. To meet the growing needs for medicines and medical devices, reduce administrative procedures to enter markets and compete, and provide the necessary materials to the public and private sectors.”[/size]
    [size=45]He stressed “resolving the issue of glass bottles left behind at the Serum and Vaccine Institute under poor storage conditions, and taking the necessary measures.” To preserve them and dispose of them in the proper manner, after large quantities of them were detected in the vicinity of the building, and some of them were broken as a result of being left in the open for more than ten years. Which led to damage to public funds amounting to (9,000,000) million dollars.”[/size]
    [size=45]The report proposed “rehabilitating the institute’s infrastructure, and providing modern laboratory equipment, raw materials, and bacterial strains used in the production of vaccines, after it stopped producing many laboratory, biological, and chemical solutions.” Due to the lack of these materials, in addition to the old production lines.” He touched on “the necessity of obliging the equipped companies to record the date of manufacture of medical and service devices, and that the period of manufacture of the device does not exceed one year when the accreditation is opened, and to record this in the installation, operation and receipt report, in addition to the Ministry of Health activating strict follow-up and control over all health institutions, and monitoring Medicines and devices that have been dispensed, and requiring health institutions to receive their share of medicines and supplies according to the specific need and without delay in doing so; As it leads to the expiration of the effectiveness of the medicines or the loss of the shelf life of the devices, noting that the team noted that the import departments and the financial department in the company did not download the financial values ​​​​of the failed and expired materials and compensate them by the suppliers.” The report noted “the delay in financial allocations for some contracts; Which affects the speed of providing the needs of health institutions, in addition to the inaccuracy of the estimated costs that are prepared by the Technical Affairs Department and the Cost Committee’s apology for preparing the costs of some laboratory materials, and the delay in the bank guarantee leads to a delay in signing contracts.”[/size]
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