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    Iraqi parliament concludes the longest legislative term has «signed Shoes»

    Interacting Investor
    Interacting Investor

    Posts : 3118
    Join date : 2012-12-19

    Iraqi parliament concludes the longest legislative term has «signed Shoes» Empty Iraqi parliament concludes the longest legislative term has «signed Shoes»

    Post by Hkp1 Thu 07 Mar 2013, 9:02 pm

    Iraqi parliament concludes the longest legislative term has «signed Shoes»

    08-03-2013 | (Voice of Iraq) - Add a comment -

    Baghdad: Hamza Mustafa

    the Iraqi parliament longer separate legislative him (skip recess
    legislative due to differences over the budget and income chapter new
    legislative) approval of the financial budget of the state for the year
    2013 a majority after the withdrawal of the Kurdistan Alliance bloc and
    part of the Iraqi List of sessions vote yesterday and the day before
    yesterday (Wednesday).

    While raising its to the nineteenth of
    March current signed political differences between the coalitions
    national and Kurdistan on the paragraphs of the budget, including
    Article 24 of entitlements foreign companies and share the Peshmerga of
    the federal budget but that «signed shoes», which were represented by
    the MP dissident Iraqi High Nassif, which belongs to the Free Iraqi
    leadership Qutaybah Jubouri, beating the head of the Iraqi forces inside
    the parliament Salman Jumaili shoe on the impact of an altercation
    between them.

    The Nassif accused in a dialogue my television
    both Salman Jumaili and former spokesman for the Iraqi Haider Mulla
    forcing Congress the Iraqi List, who entered the voting session the day
    before yesterday to go out and not vote on the budget, which raised the
    ire of the head of the Iraqi parliament Salman Jumaili, who attack the
    Nassif according to announced in a press conference yesterday, which
    paid to thrown 'boot'.

    With Jumaili denied in a statement to
    Asharq Al-Awsat reality attacking Nassif it does not mention «signed
    boot, saying: 'I hacked myself to respond to these accusations MP who
    used to live on lies and fabrications.

    Jumaili added that «no
    truth at all what Nassif announced we were informed President mass
    Qutaybah Jubouri deny the allegations, pointing out that« the Iraqi List
    officially responded to what claimed Nassif and we do not want to give
    it a more normal size.

    But Nassif, according to her in a press
    conference that «the Iraqi judiciary will have the final word in what he
    had done Salman Jumaili and practices that aim to disrupt the march of
    life for this country.

    She added that «Jumaili affect vulgar and
    obscene words and beyond all the rules of public taste and ethical
    standards that are supposed to possess Iraq, meaning Congress and
    elongated Ali.

    Nassif not only that, but provided «condolence to
    the poor people there, deputy represented salmon Jumaili embraced
    himself to be a tool to disable every effort is better than would
    redress this oppressed people.

    At a time when I tried «Middle
    East» Contact بالنائبة high Nassif but put her on a badge to wait for
    about three hours prevented it.

    The Iraqi List, led by Iyad
    Allawi issued a statement about the incident received Asharq Al-Awsat
    copy saying that «that happened is that members of the Iraqi List, and
    after they came out of the press conference interviewed mentioned
    Pthgmeha stream of vulgar words that are not worthy of a woman.

    statement added that «Jumaili Yerba himself to respond to these
    placeholders that used to be looking for exciting themes paid media
    aimed at undermining the coalition in Iraq and its symbols.

    pointed out that «the reasons that prompted Rep. mentioned to attack is
    that the Iraqi List, the process of filing a lawsuit right lies about
    continuing the existing against and positions.

    Although the
    Iraqi parliament has succeeded in establishing the financial budget
    majority it opened the door to new differences with the Kurdistan
    Alliance bloc because of its objection to paragraph (c) of Article I of
    the Budget Law and Article 24 of entitlements foreign companies
    operating in the region, which will be paid to the objection to the
    Federal Court.

    The altercation broke out between the two
    deputies belonged to the National Alliance. According to parliamentary
    sources report the altercation broke out on Thursday on the sidelines of
    the vote on the budget between the MP for the rule of law Haitham
    al-Jubouri, and the Sadrist MP Uday Awad. According to the source, «This
    argument has evolved other is to clash and beatings with hands.
    Middle East

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    Interacting Investor
    Interacting Investor

    Posts : 3484
    Join date : 2012-12-19

    Iraqi parliament concludes the longest legislative term has «signed Shoes» Empty Re: Iraqi parliament concludes the longest legislative term has «signed Shoes»

    Post by Screwball Fri 08 Mar 2013, 4:53 am

    get er done with or without the kurds!

      Current date/time is Sun 12 Jan 2025, 9:26 pm