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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    High rates of "abnormal crimes" in Iraq due to the "great genie"

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Join date : 2012-12-21

    High rates of "abnormal crimes" in Iraq due to the "great genie" Empty High rates of "abnormal crimes" in Iraq due to the "great genie"

    Post by Rocky Thu 22 Feb 2024, 5:12 am

    High rates of "abnormal crimes" in Iraq due to the "great genie"
    [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] |Today,
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    Baghdad today - Baghdad
    Today, Thursday (February 22, 2024), Representative Abbas Al-Jubouri revealed the high rates of what he called “abnormal crimes” in Iraqi society.
    Al-Jubouri said in an interview with “Baghdad Today” that “from time to time, social media sites, in addition to the security authorities’ statement, transmit painful stories about very heinous killings within the same family, most of them for trivial reasons, and the matter is not specific to a crime here or there, but rather the numbers are increasing and what is appearing.” There is less truth in the media because some of it does not reach the media outlets and some of it is discovered after a while.”
    He added, "The sources of education, which are the environment, the locality, the school, all the way to the mosques and preachers, and the absence of parents, are all factors that shape the features of any child from his childhood until he reaches youth, and all of them, unfortunately, have begun to weaken, and some of them are no longer effective, and this is a major disaster."
    He pointed out that "the mobile phone is the great genie behind abnormal crimes, referring to murder within the same family, because it gives whoever owns it everything, referring to the negatives that abound on websites and platforms that contradict the environment and society and push many into the swamp of dissolution."
    He continued: “Islamic countries such as Malaysia and Indonesia, despite the technological and economic development, have realized the danger of mobile phones and communication platforms, so they have sought to determine what reaches children and adolescents, all the way to young people, that is, to moderate what they watch because they realize its danger to them, and this matter did not come out of nowhere, but rather academic studies and research have shown the negative impact of abandoning Children are free to watch everything on social media platforms without censorship and determining what they should not have access to.”
    The beginning of the second decade of the twenty-first century in Iraq witnessed a noticeable increase in “family” crimes, some of which were fabricated as “suicides,” with cases of “family disintegration” and a clearly visible cultural shift among popular circles, according to specialists.
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