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    Parliamentary Legal: Draft law of parties reached the final stages and is now ready for the second r


    Posts : 5321
    Join date : 2012-12-20

    Parliamentary Legal: Draft law of parties reached the final stages and is now ready for the second r Empty Parliamentary Legal: Draft law of parties reached the final stages and is now ready for the second r

    Post by wciappetta Wed 25 Feb 2015, 8:19 pm

    [ltr]Parliamentary Legal: Draft law of parties reached the final stages and is now ready for the second reading[/ltr]

    [ltr]Editor Mustafa Saad - Wednesday February 25, 2015 21:38[/ltr]



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    The Chairman of the Legal Committee of the Parliamentary Mahmoud Hassan, Wednesday, that the draft law of parties reached its final stages and is now ready for the second reading in the House of Representatives, stressing the need for a strict control over the sources of funding for political parties and possession of weapons and militias, in what was considered not to ratify the death sentences "constitutional violation ". 


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    Hassan said in an interview on "modern home" which aired "Alsumaria TV", "The discussions on the draft law of parties finished and ready for the second reading, he reached the final stages," pointing to the importance of "having strict control over the sources of funding for political parties and possession of weapons and militias or not. " 

    He added that "there are strict penalties in the law up to the party solution," noting that "the legal committee agreed to form an independent body is linked to the Ministry exercised control over the party, but it will have very limited powers." 

    On the other hand, Hassan pointed out that "not to ratify the death sentences mean the violation of the constitution being disrupted the work of the judiciary," he said, "We talked with the President Fuad Masum this matter and assured us that he did not refrain from ratification." 

    The head of the parliament said Saleem al-Jubouri, in (February 20, 2015), the law of parties of important laws that will contribute to ending the "political chaos" and reduce its negative effects, stressing the desire of Parliament to pass the law in the next phase. 

    It is noteworthy that the law of parties introduced in 2006, but he neglected for several reasons considered by Congress as "mysterious", and then resubmitted other words a year later propagated discussed in the Legal Committee of the House of Representatives without being put to the vote or read. 

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