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    Jones: $ 350 million revenue through customs Iraq in January

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    Jones: $ 350 million revenue through customs Iraq in January Empty Jones: $ 350 million revenue through customs Iraq in January

    Post by Rocky Wed 23 Mar 2016, 3:57 am

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    Jones: $ 350 million revenue through customs Iraq in January

     Baghdad / pro Kanani 

    Revealed the US ambassador to Iraq , Stuart Jones, for the achievement of Iraq 's $ 350 million dollars from customs imports during the month of January of this year, hepromised that it would allow the Iraqi government the opportunity to gain thesupport of international institutions as loans, while economic adviser to Prime Minister predicted that the amount of imports customs $ 4 billion through 2016. 
    the US ambassador in Baghdad , Stuart Jones said in an interview for a number of media , including (range Press), " the government is taking tough measures to reduce expenses , " noting that " the government hasidentified some income non - oil resources." 
    revealed Jones that "Iraq has made ​​in the month of January of the current year 2016 the amount of $ 350 million in customs revenue , " attributing it to "develop a mechanism to collect customs duties." Jones added that "the Ministry of Finance deserves credit in this area through the adoption of such reforms and collection of wages , " stressing that " the Iraqi government can improve their ability to collect revenue." 
    Promised the US ambassador, said : " The positive thing about this is that it will provide an opportunity for thegovernment Iraqi receive the support of international institutions as loans. " 
    for his part, economic Adviser to the Prime Minister emphasized the appearance of Mohammed Saleh , the US ambassador 's remarks about the realized imports from the collection of customs. 
    Saleh said in an interview to the (long - Presse), said that" the US ambassador Stuart Jones 's statements about realized imports in the month of January of this year are correct, "returned" that evidence of proper planning for the Iraqi government. " 
    Saleh, predicted that" the volume of customs imports with the exception of Kurdistan outlets, about $ 4 billion by the end of this year , "pointing out that" so more than what was planned in the general budget for thecurrent 2016 ". 
    the economic adviser to Prime Minister, that" this will contribute significantly to the reduction of the fiscal deficit in Iraq , "noting that" the government 's efforts to improve Alkmarki performance and collection ofcustoms tariff, especially when there are problems of tax evasion and non - compliance with tariffs , customs, in addition to the big problems in Kurdistan this regard. " 
    he was an economic advisor to the Prime Minister and the appearance of Mohammed Saleh announced, in the(February 22, 2016), the establishment of an " internal fence "for inspection and audit Alkmarki on goods flowing from Kurdistan and the rest of the ports border, as he emphasized that the fence will reduce the evasion of customs tariffs, and said that it was too early to predict the size of the financial revenues from thetariff are met. 
    the Iraqi Council of Ministers decided, in ( the 13th of December 2015 the past), the introduction of points in the approved border crossings holds audit and make sure tariffs are met, and the development ofstandardization points of quality control. 
    the Prime Minister Haider al - Abadi, announced in ( the sixth of August 2015 the past), to postpone theintroduction of the new tariff, attributing this to ensure the readiness of the border crossing points to beapplied away from the "corruption and double standards . " 
    and tariffs are taxes levied on goods imported by the State on the other, used several tariff countries to protect the industry from foreign competition by raising prices of imported goods, so the tariffs encourage local industries to increase their production, and forced citizens to pay higher prices if they wish to imported goods, the Ministry of Finance has adopted a new customs duties on imported goods. this action provoked mixed reactions among economists, investors and traders in the area of impact in the reduction of the entry of imported goods and rising prices.
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