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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Neno's Place Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality


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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Keywords: customs duties flawed, corruption and other revenue outlets outweigh revenue

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Keywords: customs duties flawed, corruption and other revenue outlets outweigh revenue Empty Keywords: customs duties flawed, corruption and other revenue outlets outweigh revenue

    Post by Rocky Thu 14 Jan 2016, 5:04 am

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    Wednesday January 13 2016 21:28
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    Alsumaria News / Baghdad 
    The governor of the Central Bank on the Keywords, Wednesday, that the customs duties to undergo a lot of "bugs and corruption" and weakness in the performance, and as pointed out that what is collected in the ports than other state revenues, student subjecting all ports to the same standards in the audit. 

    Keywords and said in an interview on "unexpected" which aired "Alsumaria TV", "The resources and other non-oil are many, but they should be monitored carefully by the institutions concerned, including the Customs Service, which must be held accountable when the amount is not achieved topic kissed her on the ground and not be just writing numbers. " 


    He added Keywords, that "customs duties to undergo a lot of bugs and weaknesses in the efficient functioning of the institution concerned by the large and corruption reality where", stressing that "what is being collected at border crossing points by the loyal groups of corrupt ports than other state revenues." 

    Keywords and he pointed out that "this dangerous phenomenon Do not miss opportunities on the revenue that can be obtained only, but also miss the opportunity to control the entry of goods, whether healthy or security that be the cause of the local product protection," and urged to "subdue these ports to the same standards in the audit whether in the north or the south. " 

    Linked to Iraq with neighboring countries through 13 outlet border, in addition to five ports and air five outlets freely and is considered an outlet newborn and Rabia with Syria, and port Trebil with Jordan, and port Arar with Saudi Arabia, and an outlet Shalamjah and Mundhiriyah with Iran, and port Abraham, which links Iraq to Turkey from the main border crossing points.

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