Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Neno's Place Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality


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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Contractors Wasit demanding the financial allocations of projects and carrying the responsibility of

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    Contractors Wasit demanding the financial allocations of projects and carrying the responsibility of Empty Contractors Wasit demanding the financial allocations of projects and carrying the responsibility of

    Post by Rocky Mon 22 Aug 2016, 3:52 am

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    Contractors Wasit demanding the financial allocations of projects and carrying the responsibility of their losses

     Wasit / long-Presse 

    Dozens of contractors and owners ofcompanies in Wasit province, on Sunday, to demand the project allocations. As they carried the Ministry of Finance responsible for the daily losses they suffer because of the projects stopped, they stressed that many of them life has become "endangered by the Court imposed on them." 
    He said the owner of one of the construction companies in the province and called " on behalf of Hamza" in an interview with (long - Presse), The "dozens of contractors and owners of companies organized, ademonstration in front of the provincial council building, the center of Kut, in protest at the insistence of the Ministry of Finance not to launch projects assigned to their companies ' allocations within the regional development law." 
    Hamza added that "all implementing various projects companies in Wasit ceased completely its the lack of financial liquidity for the owners and all those burdened with financial debt that accumulates them day after day companies. " 
    for his part, the contractor Ahmed Salman demanded in an interview with (long - Presse), the Ministry ofFinance to" launch the regional development projects allocations immediately and not delay it because theresults consequences would be negative and dangerous, where their companies to significant losses due to the depreciation that gets in the projects in addition to taxes and wages of workers and other fees from thefinancial belongings. " 
    said Salman that" a lot of Contractors lives are in danger as a result of the debt owed ​​them , while thenumber of them was injured heart acute sudden cardiac diseases due to excessive and concerns the problems they face, taking refuge in the majority of them to sell their homes and all Maimlkon in order to repay some of their debts, "returned to" imports of the province's oil, electricity and port border and other resources aresufficient to cover project expenditures and filling amounts contractors but go to Ministry of Finance, which does not allocate any of them to preserve. " It is 
    noteworthy that Wasit province is witnessing the implementation of several different service projects, which include various civil sectors and very large assignments financial, while the local government asserts that thelack of funds contractors and companies exchange impact on the reality of the province and caused a delay ofhundreds of project was supposed to be referred to the local and foreign companies , and covers such projects cities across the province.
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