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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Neno's Place Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality


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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    The resolution of the budget depends on calculating the salaries of 1.4 million employees in Kurdist

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

    Posts : 282968
    Join date : 2012-12-21

    The resolution of the budget depends on calculating the salaries of 1.4 million employees in Kurdist Empty The resolution of the budget depends on calculating the salaries of 1.4 million employees in Kurdist

    Post by Rocky Sat 03 Dec 2016, 5:57 am

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    Ceyhan re Kirkuk oil receivers
    The resolution of the budget depends on calculating the salaries of 1.4 million employees in Kurdistan and Baghdad recorded 600 thousand only

    Author: AB, MK 
    Editor: AB 
    12.3.2016 12:54 
    Number of Views: 201

    Long-Presse / Baghdad
    Finance Committee in the House of Representatives announced on Saturday, the approval of the Kurdistan Regional Government on the delivery of 300,000 barrels of Kirkuk and another 250 thousand from the fields to the company SOMO against the salaries of its employees, and as pointed out that the current dispute regard to calculating the number of staff of the province, has ruled out the resolution of the dispute today and approving the budget .
    The committee member said Sarhan Ahmed in an interview with (long-Presse), "The Kurdistan Regional Government had agreed to deliver 300,000 barrels of oil fields in Kirkuk to the central government's SOMO, as well as 250,000 barrels of Kurdistan fields in exchange for their employees' salaries," noting that "dispute is currently the number of provincial employees, numbering in the Federal Ministry of Finance records of 600 000 employees, while the real located far greater as a result of the appointments after 2004".
    Ahmed said that "Arbil Baghdad demanding the payment of salaries of 1.4 million employees, as well as employees of the social welfare and pensions," ruling out "the possibility of resolving this dispute today."

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