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    Iraqi Airways resumed direct flights to Kuwait Wednesday after a hiatus of 22 years

    Interacting Investor
    Interacting Investor

    Posts : 3118
    Join date : 2012-12-19

    Iraqi Airways resumed direct flights to Kuwait Wednesday after a hiatus of 22 years - Page 2 Empty Iraqi Airways resumed direct flights to Kuwait Wednesday after a hiatus of 22 years

    Post by Hkp1 Sat 16 Feb 2013, 11:39 am

    First topic message reminder :

    Iraqi Airways resumed direct flights to Kuwait Wednesday after a hiatus of 22 years

    Haider Ali Jawad -16/02/2013-11: 57 am

    Iraqi Airways will resume flights to Kuwait immediately next Wednesday after a hiatus of 22 years.

    Transport Ministry adviser, said Karim Al-Nuri: "Iraqi Airways will
    resume flights to Kuwait immediately next Wednesday from Baghdad
    international airport, and flights a week depending on passenger

    He added: "there are problems in granting entry visas to
    travellers Kuwait Iraqis, adding that the number of flights will be
    increased number of travellers."

    Al-Nouri said: "the return
    flights between Iraq and Kuwait came after resolving all problems with
    Kuwait Airways, adding that its resumption will smooth flights that took
    3 hours, was leaving to Bahrain and then on to Kuwait and vice versa."

    He said: "Kuwait Airways to resume flights to Baghdad soon" unspecified ".

    Kuwait was received in January from Iraq half a billion dollars in compensation to Kuwait Airways.

    Foreign Minister Sabah Al-Khalid said Kuwait agreed to settle the issue
    of compensation to Kuwait Airways on 23 October, the Emir of Kuwait
    signed a decree to approve financial settlement reached between the two
    sides with Iraq by paying 500 million dollars as compensation to Kuwait
    Airways final.

    Kuwait has already filed suit against Iraq
    regarding damage to aircraft caused by the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait in
    1990, the claim for payment of 1.2 billion dollars for Kuwait Airways

    Posts : 5312
    Join date : 2012-12-20

    Iraqi Airways resumed direct flights to Kuwait Wednesday after a hiatus of 22 years - Page 2 Empty Re: Iraqi Airways resumed direct flights to Kuwait Wednesday after a hiatus of 22 years

    Post by wciappetta Sat 16 Feb 2013, 6:18 pm

    added, that "the Kuwaiti side was handed the money demanded by, and it
    is hoped that the air route opens between Iraq and Kuwait before the
    fifth month of March next, in conjunction with the re-opening of the air
    route from Baghdad and London directly."

    I could be wrong here but I took this to mean that mutual flights from both nations perhaps by this date.

    I had fainted, unless I had believed to see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. Wait on the Lord: be of good courage, and he shall strengthen thine heart: wait, I say, on the Lord. -Psalms 27:13-14
    Interacting Investor
    Interacting Investor

    Posts : 3118
    Join date : 2012-12-19

    Iraqi Airways resumed direct flights to Kuwait Wednesday after a hiatus of 22 years - Page 2 Empty The Transport Ministry announces the resumption of flights to Kuwait next Wednesday

    Post by Hkp1 Sun 17 Feb 2013, 12:34 pm

    The Transport Ministry announces the resumption of flights to Kuwait next Wednesday

    Published: 1: 03 pm, February 17, 2013 by jamal

    (IBA) ... The Iraqi Transport Ministry announced it would resume
    flights to Kuwait on Wednesday, noting that it represents a new
    beginning for the restoration of air links between the two countries
    after a hiatus of 22 years.

    Advisor to the Minister of transport,
    said Karim Al-Nuri in a statement received by the independent press
    Association (IBA). "Iraqi Airways will resume flights to Kuwait from the
    first Iraqi aircraft from Baghdad airport to the State of Kuwait,"
    adding that "such a step would be a new beginning for the restoration of
    air links between the two countries after a hiatus of 22 years.

    predicted that "Iraqi Airways flights to Kuwait and two weekly flights
    to transport passengers to and from Kuwait and from all Iraqi airports
    and visitors", stating that "Kuwait was flies to Iraq through Jazeera
    Airways is a subsidiary of the private sector". (End)

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