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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Will a new city be born in Baghdad at the hands of Al-Sudanese and Al-Daraji?

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    Will a new city be born in Baghdad at the hands of Al-Sudanese and Al-Daraji? Empty Will a new city be born in Baghdad at the hands of Al-Sudanese and Al-Daraji?

    Post by Rocky Mon 17 Apr 2023, 4:52 am

    [rtl]Will a new city be born in Baghdad at the hands of Al-Sudanese and Al-Daraji?[/rtl]

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    [rtl]Baghdad-Iraq today:

    At the outset, we have to strongly command the decision of the Prime Minister, Eng. Muhammad Shia'a Al-Sudani, as he applies the famous saying “the right man is in the right place”, through some important and successful choices in his advisory body, which began to work silently, but he worked diligently and fruitfully. Especially in his selection of the engineer, Muhammad Sahib al-Daradji, as the technical advisor to the Prime Minister, and this gives us hope that we will see a qualitative and quantitative leap in the performance of the advisory bodies surrounding the decision-maker, and the policy makers of the entire state, as al-Daraji comes from a well-known family, as his father was "the owner of Al-Daradji" was one of the most prominent contractors in Baghdad, and at his hands many buildings and projects were established," Adding "the son." New and excellent experiences and capabilities, through his high scientific and engineering qualification, as well as the practical experiences he gained through working in the private sector, then his transfer to direct executive work, so he became a minister In the second Maliki government, and there is a record in the history of the Ministry of Housing and Construction An achievement that deserves to be mentioned, praised, and commended. The man, for example, established the Iraqi Housing Fund, and launched work with it, so that the fund would be a real gateway for more than a quarter of a million Iraqi families to obtain decent housing, and this project is still working continuously. As well as the practical experiences he gained through working in the private sector, then his transfer to direct executive work, so he became a minister in the second Maliki government, and there is a record in the history of the Ministry of Housing and Construction An achievement that deserves to be mentioned, praised, and commended. The man, for example, established the Iraqi Housing Fund, and launched work with it, so that the fund would be a real gateway for more than a quarter of a million Iraqi families to obtain decent housing, and this project is still working continuously. As well as the practical experiences he gained through working in the private sector, then his transfer to direct executive work, so he became a minister in the second Maliki government, and there is a record in the history of the Ministry of Housing and Construction An achievement that deserves to be mentioned, praised, and commended. The man, for example, established the Iraqi Housing Fund, and launched work with it, so that the fund would be a real gateway for more than a quarter of a million Iraqi families to obtain decent housing, and this project is still working continuously. And there is a record in the history of the Ministry of Housing and Construction An achievement that deserves to be mentioned, praised, and commended. The man, for example, established the Iraqi Housing Fund, and launched work with it, so that the fund would be a real gateway for more than a quarter of a million Iraqi families to obtain decent housing, and this project is still working continuously. And there is a record in the history of the Ministry of Housing and Construction An achievement that deserves to be mentioned, praised, and commended. The man, for example, established the Iraqi Housing Fund, and launched work with it, so that the fund would be a real gateway for more than a quarter of a million Iraqi families to obtain decent housing, and this project is still working continuously.

    In addition to this, Al-Daradji was also the owner of the idea or the new highway project, and dozens of roads, bridges and infrastructure were completed during his reign that changed many features of Iraqi cities. Thus, despite the short period of his tenure as the Ministry of Industry, the man continued to work hard to strengthen this aspect. effectiveeconomic.

    Then we found him in the Military Industrialization Authority, which he managed for a short period, but it was a busy and remarkable period that cannot be overlooked despite the short period of time. Today, with the vigor and determination of President Muhammad Shia' al-Sudanese, and with his encouragement and initiative, we see al-Daradji working with the president for a national, humanitarian project. Civilized, if achieved, it will remind us of the era of the immortal national leader Abd al-Karim Qasim, especially as it relates to the largest populated city in Baghdad, by which we mean "the city of the revolution - al-Sadr" , as the President, Muhammad Shia'a al-Sudani, launched a project to build an integrated modern city on an area of ​​​​more than 4 thousand dunums, to establish a city to which the poorest neighborhoods of Tariq and Al-Hamidiyah will be transferred, and in which there are modern details that cause optimism and joy, as it is considered the first bold, mighty and real step towards solving the accumulated problem of Baghdad, in terms of overpopulation, growth and chronic overcrowding. , the lack of services, the deterioration of cities, and the lack of government access to this huge population.

    The "dream" city planned by Al-Sudanese and implemented by Al-Daradji with a capable and integrated professional team will achieve a qualitative cultural shift in the shape of Iraq after 50 years of forced cessation, and will undoubtedly change the compass of development projects in Iraq, from mere ideas to action on the ground, especially with the determination, determination and insistence of Al-Sudanese to succeed, along with Al-Darraji's desire that has been driving him for years, and he has been calling forcefully that he is carrying a qualitative civilized project for Baghdad and for Iraq as a whole. Nationally and internally, and to lift the country out of its difficult circumstances.

    This preliminary report will undoubtedly be followed by other reports in which we will pursue this national and humanitarian project, and we will follow it up and write about it until we see it implemented in reality.

    In conclusion, we say: Thank you to the Sudanese president for these successful choices, whether in choosing the person of the engineer, Muhammad Sahib al-Daradji, or in other useful advisors, and certainly the popular masses do not refuse to appoint advisors, Regardless of their number, when these advisors are useful, professional, and beneficial to the state and its prime ministers..[/rtl]
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