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    Studies Center: The results that Al-Sudani will achieve in the White House may support his position

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    Studies Center: The results that Al-Sudani will achieve in the White House may support his position  Empty Studies Center: The results that Al-Sudani will achieve in the White House may support his position

    Post by Rocky Tue 16 Apr 2024, 4:37 am

    POSTED ON[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] BY [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

    [size=52]Studies Center: The results that Al-Sudani will achieve in the White House may support his position against future challenges[/size]

    [size=45]Translated by: Hamed Ahmed[/size]
    [size=45]A report by the Middle East Institute for Studies dealt with the visit of the Iraqi Prime Minister, Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani, to Washington, indicating that it coincided with tense situations in the region that will serve as a touchstone for relations between the two countries, in which Al-Sudani will try to balance between maintaining solid bilateral relations with Washington on the one hand and maintaining, on the other hand, support for A politician at home strengthens his position against future challenges.
    The report indicates that Al-Sawani’s meeting with US President Joe Biden on Monday, April 15, which was planned for a long time, comes less than two days after Iran carried out a direct attack on Israel, which included the launch of more than 300 drones and missiles from its territory, some of which flew over Iraqi airspace. On its way to Israel, where this attack is likely to overshadow the meeting that Baghdad and Washington have been carefully preparing for months in an attempt to maintain their relations in the midst of the ongoing war crisis in Gaza and its consequences.
    The report states that the major challenge for Al-Sudani and Biden will be to find a way to curb Iraqi armed factions supported by Iran if Israel decides to implement its response against Iran and its agents in the region, and it is not unlikely that it will include strikes on their targets in Iraq. In these circumstances, the Sudanese is trying to remedy the situation by maintaining a balance between a bilateral relationship with Washington and maintaining internal support from influential political blocs.
    Al-Sudani had previously tried hard to prevent and restrict armed factions from carrying out attacks on American interests inside the country and diplomatic facilities, and he was unable to prevent external air strikes on Iraqi territory, which political parties denounced as a violation of the country’s sovereignty.
    In an article published by the American magazine, Foreign Affairs, Al-Sudani said, “Our government is aware of the sensitive situation it is going through and the delicate balance it must maintain between the United States and groups that sometimes try to enter into direct conflict with American forces.”
    The Prime Minister affirms that with the passage of time, the phenomenon of uncontrolled weapons will disappear, noting that “the decision to wage war or enter into peace must be limited to the state only and no other party can claim this right.”
    The report indicates that one of the central demands of the extremist parties in the Sudanese government is to demand that Biden set a date for the departure of American forces from Iraq.
    But it is unlikely that the Sudanese will put forward such a request, as much as he will call for ongoing discussions and negotiations on a timetable that will lead to the withdrawal of forces in the future, which will help him politically. It seems that Biden may not give Sudanese a difficult promise on this issue, but perhaps he may fulfill the promise to reduce the number of forces if he is re-elected.
    For its part, Baghdad must evaluate its security situation in the event of a complete withdrawal of forces and the impact this will have on its military capabilities and its arsenal of American weapons.
    As Iraq still needs training and maintenance on its weapons, as well as the security information provided to it by the American forces regarding their joint cooperation within the coalition forces to prevent any future emergence of ISIS threats.
    As for Washington, inflicting a permanent defeat on ISIS is still the official goal of its advisors and trainers, whose number is estimated at 2,500 soldiers present in Iraq, and which is what the decision-making parties in Washington rely on to influence the Sudanese government, which calls for the withdrawal of those forces.
    With regard to the measures taken by the United States regarding the Iraqi banking sector and restricting outlets for exchanging dollars, Al-Sudani may ask the American administration to ease some of the restrictions and penalties that it imposed on Iraqi individuals and gradually ease the restrictions imposed on the Iraqi banking system. If this is achieved, this would ease some of the restrictions imposed on the Iraqi banking sector. Internal political pressure on the Sudanese if he is unable to secure a clear commitment from the American administration to withdraw forces.
    Among the other pressing issues that the Sudanese will be forced to follow up and find solutions to during his visit to Washington are those related to economic disputes and what is related to oil exports with the Kurdistan region, as the region is suffering from the consequences of the closure of the Ceyhan pipeline and the cessation of its oil exports through this pipeline to Turkey since March 2023, and it has been exposed to financial hardship that it could not afford. During which the salaries of public sector employees in the region are paid.
    Eight Republican members of Congress had sent a letter to Biden prior to the visit on March 28, expressing their concern over this visit invitation, stipulating that the White House must put pressure on the Iraqi government to reopen the Iraqi-Turkish oil pipeline so that the Kurdistan region can export oil while guaranteeing payments for Kurdistan oil sales and covering expenses. Oil investors are international companies operating in the region. The report concludes that Al-Sudani has decided to travel to Washington despite all the challenges mentioned. Al-Sudani sees this visit as an opportunity to move the relationship between Iraq and the United States from a one-sided relationship to a comprehensive relationship, but in conjunction with the events that took place in the region, security issues will prevail without Doubt is at the front and center of bilateral negotiations. The results that Al-Sudani will achieve in his visit will serve as a test for his political administration and may support his position against any future challenges.
    About: Middle East Institute for Studies[/size]
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