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    UN Security Council adopts a Russian draft resolution on Syria

    Admin Assist
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     UN Security Council adopts a Russian draft resolution on Syria Empty UN Security Council adopts a Russian draft resolution on Syria

    Post by Rocky Sun 01 Jan 2017, 2:59 am

    [size=30]UN Security Council adopts a Russian draft resolution on Syria[/size]
    01/01/2017 09:57 | Number of Views: 237
    font size:  UN Security Council adopts a Russian draft resolution on Syria Font_decrease  UN Security Council adopts a Russian draft resolution on Syria Font_enlarge
     UN Security Council adopts a Russian draft resolution on Syria Thumbnail.php?file=20161224_102038_738362044
    [rtl]Direction Press / Agencies[/rtl]
    [rtl]UN Security Council adopted unanimously the draft resolution that Russia was prepared to support the truce agreements in Syria and launch a political process to resolve the crisis experienced by the country.[/rtl]
    [rtl]The Security Council, through the adoption of the project, that he has reviewed the documents in question, which has been reached between the Syrian government and the opposition, mediated by Russia and Turkey.[/rtl]
    [rtl]The text of the resolution stressed "the importance of full and immediate application."[/rtl]
    [rtl]The Deputy Commissioner of US Permanent Representative to the United Nations, Michele Sison, during the special council meeting to vote on the project: "We welcome all efforts to stop the violence in Syria, and we support comprehensive truce that would coincide with the opening of a humanitarian aid without hindrance to all areas besieged. "[/rtl]
    [rtl]In turn, the representative of France, during the meeting, said his country "hopes to implement an effective and immediate truce," adding that the basic concerns of the Paris agreements on "caused by the lack of a clear confidence between the Syrian parties."[/rtl]
    [rtl]The French official stressed that "it is essential that the international community now focuses on facilitating negotiations between the parties to the Syrian crisis," adding: "We believe that the supreme body of the negotiations is the legitimate representative of the opposition."[/rtl]
    [rtl]For his part, the representative of Britain "called on all parties to abide by the truce on the ground," adding: "Those who influence them, especially (Russia and Turkey) Aldhamntan any two countries, we must take advantage of their influence in order to achieve the steadfastness of the cease-fire."[/rtl]
    [rtl]The official, however, expressed concern about "reports of cases of violation of the truce in some areas."[/rtl]
    [rtl]It was Vitaly Churkin, Russia's permanent delegate to the United Nations, announced last Friday that Moscow and distributed in the UN Security Council a draft resolution in support of the armistice agreements in Syria and the launch of negotiations between the parties to the crisis process.[/rtl]
    [rtl]Churkin said at a press conference in New York, "was, yesterday (Thursday), in Astana, after prolonged efforts of Russia and Turkey, the announcement of very important documents, which requires the cessation of hostilities in the Syrian government and the opposition to go to direct negotiations in Astana obliges late January (January) next and, therefore, we have, in cooperation with the Turkish delegation, the distribution of official documents in the Security Council, and to prepare a draft resolution for the ratification of these documents, and Ozaana project last night, and I intend to present it today, at a meeting of the Council, the members ".[/rtl]
    [rtl]Churkin said that Russia hopes that the process of voting on a project conducted and approved unanimously by tomorrow morning Saturday.[/rtl]
    [rtl]The Russian President, Vladimir Putin, announced last Thursday, to reach agreement on a cease-fire in all the territory of Syria, and the willingness of conflicting parties to start peace negotiations.[/rtl]

      Current date/time is Mon 03 Jun 2024, 5:33 pm