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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    The most prominent events of the day to strike freedom and dignity

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    The most prominent events of the day to strike freedom and dignity Empty The most prominent events of the day to strike freedom and dignity

    Post by Rocky Sat 20 May 2017, 2:22 am

    The most prominent events of the day to strike freedom and dignity


    Prisoners continue to battle for freedom and dignity in Israeli jails, calling for the achievement of a number of basic demands that deny them the benefit of the occupation prisons, including management, which they had previously have achieved wading through numerous strikes over the years of captivity.
    He highlighted the demands of the striking prisoners are: ending the policy of administrative detention, and to end the solitary confinement policy, ending the prevention of family visits and erratic policy, ending the policy of medical negligence, and other basic and legitimate demands.
    - a visit to the lawyer for the prisoners body prisoner Mansour Shreim in the isolation of "Petah Tikva": the prison administration dealing with lawyers in a humiliating manner, and put the intricacies of the series in front of the body's lawyer before the visit, the jailers were remiss even allowed him to have made, and forced him to leave the visiting room after a few minutes to meet with the captive Shreim.
    - 80 prisoners on hunger isolated in "Petah Tikva" in the cells are not suitable for the life of the Adamic.
    - The prison administration has established a mobile clinic follow-up under the pretext of the health status of prisoners of strikers, but the prison doctor and nurse, do not have them in most of the time, despite the seriousness of the health conditions suffered by the prisoners.
    - the transfer of a number of striking prisoners from the "Ashkelon" to the so-called prison hospitals and field that do not live up to be called the clinic, noting that a number of them sick prisoners.
    - Media Strike Committee in all media, journalists and activists on social networking sites calls, not to adopt or publish, or dealing with any statement issued on behalf of the captive movement or prisoners on hunger strike, if issued by the Media Committee of the Board of Prisoners Club and the Palestinian Prisoner Affairs, or any other clear and represent a well-known national and Islamic factions.
    - continued support for the activities of prisoners of strikers in all provinces of the country, as Friday prayers took place in public squares and set off worshipers from then to friction with the Israeli occupation soldiers areas.
    - In a statement issued by the National Commission for the attribution of the strike called for it to intensify efforts and work hand in hand in this sensitive and crucial uniformly stage, and within one program of events for the next week in support of the battle for freedom and dignity, and called for it to be considered on Saturday days to reflect the national program in the boycott of Israeli goods and implement it by traders, agents and citizens.

      Current date/time is Wed 05 Feb 2025, 8:09 am