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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Allawi's bloc gathers signatures to amend the electoral denominator and reduce the age of candidacy

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Allawi's bloc gathers signatures to amend the electoral denominator and reduce the age of candidacy Empty Allawi's bloc gathers signatures to amend the electoral denominator and reduce the age of candidacy

    Post by Rocky Thu 03 Aug 2017, 2:49 am

    Allawi's bloc gathers signatures to amend the electoral denominator and reduce the age of candidacy

    BAGHDAD, Aug 3 (KUNA) - The head of the parliamentary bloc of the National Coalition, Kazim al-Shammari, has announced the signing of two signatures for the amendment of two articles in the draft provincial elections law. Al-Shammari said in a statement that "the vote of the House of Representatives on some articles of the draft provincial elections law relating to the electoral constituency and the age of candidacy represents a renunciation of all promises made by some of the large political blocs of the Iraqi people, referring to the adoption of the cluster collecting signatures from all political blocs to cancel These two articles ". He added that "the Iraqi people waited well after the packages of reforms and promises made by the large political blocs bitter whether to achieve political balance or to give way to the youth energies to heighten its position in the political process." Al-Shammari pointed out that "what happened in the session of the House of Representatives, which was allocated to vote on a number of articles of the draft provincial and district elections law by putting an elective Qassim by 1.9 and determining the age of candidacy by 30 years, as a major setback and disclaim all promises previously made." He explained that "national is one of the large blocs within the scale of the number of seats and the popular mass and these percentages within the electoral denominator appropriate to them, but the national interest and the aspirations of the people and demands are the most important of us to increase our political seats, unlike the rest of the masses, which unfortunately disappointed the aspirations of the masses and sought to consolidate their political positions on Account of the supreme interests of the country ". Al-Shammari stressed that "the National Coalition adopted a collection of signatures from all political blocs to challenge these articles, so as to ensure the legislation of a law that opens the way for honest and national competition without marginalization or exclusion of any body or opinion." The parliament had voted on 21 of the 53 articles of the draft election law, and is scheduled to complete the rest of the material in Thursday's session. Finished

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