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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    US judiciary acquits Blackwater guard of Iraqi blood

    Admin Assist
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    Posts : 282968
    Join date : 2012-12-21

    US judiciary acquits Blackwater guard of Iraqi blood Empty US judiciary acquits Blackwater guard of Iraqi blood

    Post by Rocky Sat 05 Aug 2017, 3:44 am

    US judiciary acquits Blackwater guard of Iraqi blood

    22:20 - 04/08/2017

    US appeals court overturned the conviction of a former security company "Blackwater" death in a big case back to a massacre in which 17 civilians were killed in Baghdad , died in 2007
    and ordered the US Appeals of the District of Columbia Circuit Court for a new trial after having canceled the contractor to condemn Former security officer Nicholas Slaten was killed.
    On the other hand, the court ordered the retrial of three former Blackwater guards, Paul Sallog, Dastan Hurd and Ivan Liberti, all convicted of murder in the massacre, saying their 30-year sentence was too long.
    Blackwater, or Academie, in its new uniform, a well-known American military security company, whose name was associated with war zones, blood and brutal murder.

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    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

    Posts : 282968
    Join date : 2012-12-21

    US judiciary acquits Blackwater guard of Iraqi blood Empty Cancellation of convictions and rulings on members of Blackwater convicted of the massacre of Nisour

    Post by Rocky Sat 05 Aug 2017, 3:51 am

    Cancellation of convictions and rulings on members of Blackwater convicted of the massacre of Nisour Square

    09:39 - 05/08/2017

    A US federal appeals court on Friday denied the conviction of a security man in the Blackwater security company who is serving a life sentence in the case of the Nsour massacre west of Baghdad that killed dozens of civilians and unarmed innocents.

    The court also ordered a review of the verdicts handed down by three other members of Blackwater who were involved in the killing of unarmed civilians, including women and children, in Baghdad.

    The four convicted members of a Blackwater team named "Raven 23" and the State Department's security chief were convicted in connection with a security incident in the Iraqi capital on September 16, 2007 at Nisour Square in Baghdad.

    The shooting killed 14 civilians and injured 17 others, and caused great damage to US contractors in the security sector.

    Nicholas Slaten, 33, was convicted of firing first and sentenced to life imprisonment.

    But the Circuit Court of Appeals in the Sirkewit district dismissed Friday his conviction after seeing it should not have been tried separately from the trial of the three other convicts.

    The other three security men, Dustin Hurd, Ivan Liberti and Paul Slaw, were convicted of murder, attempted murder and the use of a firearm to commit a violent crime.

    They found that the sentences imposed on them for 30 years because of violations of the rules of fire were "totally disproportionate" to the facts and ordered a review of those verdicts.

    "By reaching this conclusion, it is not our intention at all to minimize the seriousness of the massacre attributed to Sloo, Herd and Liberty," the judges said, adding that "their mismanagement led to the death of innocent people," stressing that "what happened in Nisour Square is greater than any civilized description "He said.

    Blackwater, founded by the brother of current US Education Secretary Betsy Davos, was renamed "X-A" in 2009 and then became an "academic" two years later. Ending / 25

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