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    Expert: Shiite lists are the ones who will choose the next president and prime minister

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    Expert: Shiite lists are the ones who will choose the next president and prime minister Empty Expert: Shiite lists are the ones who will choose the next president and prime minister

    Post by Rocky Tue 17 Apr 2018, 8:22 am

    Expert: Shiite lists are the ones who will choose the next president and prime minister
    [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]
    BAGHDAD / The legal expert Tariq Harb, on Tuesday, that the Iraqi constitution did not provide that the top positions in the country divided by sects or nationalities, such as the post of prime minister for Shiites and parliament for the year and the Republic of the Kurds, Before the Shiite lists to consider the largest blocs within the next House of Representatives.
    "The Iraqi constitution did not provide that the top positions in the country are divided by sects or nationalities, such as the post of prime minister for the Shiites and the parliament for the Sunnis and the Republic of the Kurds and this has no support of the Constitution and the law," said the war, As the two days before the presence of the President of the Republic Arab summit, considering that the call from the protocol was directed from the summit to the President of the Republic was the first go Prime Minister and not the President of the Republic as the prime minister in charge of the first Public policy of the State in accordance with Article 78 of the Constitution. "
    "With regard to the presidency of the Council of Representatives and the Republic, the elections and what each election list of seats will affect the devolution of positions in terms of one party and without another party or party and the alliances that get after the announcement of the election results and the amount of what will be the number of deputies for each coalition mainly To determine the diversion of these positions, "pointing out that" the Shiite alliances, which includes the ranks of the Kurdish component and Sunni even if not won the Kurdish and Sunni in the Shiite list of elections as it can be appointed Kurdish and Sunni, who entered the Shiite lists as President of the Republic and the House of Representatives or Aanhm the post of Vice-President of the Republic and the parliament. "
    The leadership of the Kurdistan Democratic Party Ashwaq Jaf, has confirmed, Wednesday (11/04/2018), the difficulty of taking over the presidency of the Kurdish parliament, noting that they do not mind giving up the presidency in exchange for the presidency of the legislative authority.
    While Vice President Osama Najafi said Wednesday (11/04/2018) that the Sunnis in Iraq do not want to obtain the post of President of the Republic, "if it remains formality," noting that the prestige of the presidency is "missing" at the present time. Finished 2

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    Expert: Shiite lists are the ones who will choose the next president and prime minister Empty Re: Expert: Shiite lists are the ones who will choose the next president and prime minister

    Post by ron-man Tue 17 Apr 2018, 8:32 am

    Another good read, thank you.

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