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    Parliament closes general adoption of the budget

    Interacting Investor
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    Parliament closes general adoption of the budget Empty Parliament closes general adoption of the budget

    Post by lonelyintexas Wed 04 Jun 2014, 8:42 am

    Parliament closes general adoption of the budget

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    4/6/2014 1:17

    Deputies: political side overcome professional in the legislation of laws

    BAGHDAD - morning,

    it seems that the House of Representatives ended the duration of its parliamentary early, which is supposed to take place in mid-June, the current declining to perform his duty constitutional hearings legislative term last ignoring the subject of the adoption of the most important law for the interests of the homeland The People's goal to balance this year's budget on the end of the half, as the closed Council doors before the date of holding the elections on the 30th of April, and so far, and tried to reporters the morning contact with lots of Representatives in showing that they dismissed their phone service.
    said the decision of the House of Representatives Muhammad Al-Khalidi said in a statement news that «the House of Representatives can not hold a hearing during the remaining period of the age of the current session, attributing this to the continued problems between the province and the Center on Budget Law», revealing to postpone the vote on the budget bill will be voted on after the formation of the next government, through the formation of a special committee budget " He pointed out that "the presidency of the parliament approached the heads of the blocks after the elections in order to hold a special session budget, but it will not be able to complete the quorum for the session."
    It is said that the last session was at the 2 from last April. attributed politicians in conversations (morning) reason failed to heal the House of Representatives to the pleura Political taken by the masses towards the budget law, which counted one of the main laws that have been used as leverage in alliances and the formation of the next government, while pointing out a legal expert to the lack of provisions in the rules of procedure of the Council to hold accountable the House of Representatives due to their unwillingness to attend meetings in spite of The constitution they need to do so. The MP said Mohammed al-Hindawi, "said Sindh law not to attend House sessions of the Council is the rules of procedure of the Council," pointing out that "national commitments should be urging them to attend," pointing out that "the political side has overcome the technical side in a lot of laws, the most important budget which now is approval impossible in the current parliamentary session, noting that the next parliamentary session will suffer from many problems due to the lack of resolution of the laws, "and urged" the need to form the next Council committee to resolve the problem of the budget in a professional manner without mind a political issue. "
    It is the legal expert said Tariq war, "there is no specific penalty in the law for members of the House of Representatives because of the delay in the budget, either through the rules of procedure of the Council or of the other, only the position of citizens in return, adding that he" can the new council in the event held to approve the budget bill in the first session as well as he can be punished and baptizing to cancel pension and diplomatic passports and certificates obtained by the House of Representatives while serving in the Council ", warning that" failure to convene the council after the elections and staying away from exercise its legislative role is an encroachment on the rights of the people. "
    as MP Ihsan al-Awadi, "The lack of the Council was a major cause of the delay of several laws, which could be a period of post-Alantkhabalt sufficient for approval, including the budget, "attributing it" to the background of the pleura Political taken by the Speaker of the House not to include the budget bill on the agenda of the Council, which led to the province parliamentary blocs meetings of the Council and this caused great harm to the public interest, "a reminder" was supposed to come back the House of Representatives sessions immediately after the election, but the political alliances stipulated in shape year that leave laws, particularly the budget law to the new council, "warning that" the lack of approving the budget led to a recession in the pan joints of the country's economy which is borne by the Presidency of the Council ", and re-mind," The State of Law coalition submitted a request to the President of the House of Representatives for the inclusion of the budget law on the agenda of the Council to no avail, and I want him to be a pressure negotiating to form a government. "and read the first reading of the House of Representatives to the budget law in the absence of the Kurdistan Alliance and united while continued outstanding differences between the center and the region on the law which led to the failure to reach an agreement that would approve the general budget.

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    Interacting Investor
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    Parliament closes general adoption of the budget Empty Re: Parliament closes general adoption of the budget

    Post by lonelyintexas Wed 04 Jun 2014, 8:56 am

    The next session of parliament will not be open

    06/04/2014 05:59

    Confirmed parliamentary sources said the first session of the new parliament will not be open like its predecessor because of the decision of the Federal Court, who opposed not specify the time, stressing that the legal context of the sessions will be followed since the opening session, which will determine the name of the speaker and his two deputies, excluded any constitutional vacuum. Sees legal expert Tareq Harb « that the Federal Court did not reject the so-called open or public hearing by legal interpretation, but refused to be lengthened duration to the detriment of the interests of the Iraqi people ».

    He said the war in a statement the "morning" that "the general election produced the blocks are large and many small while the 2010 elections, there were two blocks tablespoons which helped to make it a legal interpretations and clear," noting that "the duration of the open meeting identified the two months between the first session and the session the second to determine the form of government. "

    decision of Parliament Muhammad Khalidi said in a statement the" morning ": The meeting of the new parliament, the next will not be open, so to call it off by the Federal Court," expected to be held at the opening session on the first of July next, "noting" The first session will be dedicated to the selection of the Speaker and his deputies to allocate the second session to choose the president of the republic and assigned the biggest bloc to form a government within a period not exceeding 30 days, "and expressed his belief" that the presidency and parliament, stages will be the share of Sunni Arabs and Kurds, noting not resolve names to waiting now because the National Alliance for the resolution naming a prime minister. "

    As for the period between the end of the current parliamentary session on 13/6 and up to hold inaugural session of the new Council of Representatives, pointed Khalidi, "that the possibility of the Presidium of the current parliament decision to extend the work of Parliament to the beginning of the first session to avoid a constitutional vacuum."

    As MP for the block citizen Aziz Ugaili that the Federal Court had overturned the subject of open meeting can not be left next parliament its first open and there will be periods specified under the Constitution. said Ugaili in a statement the "morning": that the next parliament will call in its first session the parliament speaker and his two deputies will be an open meeting But there will be extended constitutionality may range between a week and 15 days. "

    He continued," The National Alliance to today's still up for grabs on its candidate for prime minister, noting that "the National Alliance if they agree with him, it will form the government as soon as possible, pointing to the need to be a candidate for prime minister is not acceptable to the coalition, but only when the rest of the ingredients then you will not be delayed formation of the government more than two months to three months, but if there was a disagreement within the coalition, it will hinder the formation of the government. "

    As pointed deputy state law Ihsan al-Awadi, that "the decisions of the Federal Court binding," he said in a statement the "morning" that the next meeting will take the form of orders of the judiciary, which is based on the Constitution, which illustrates the shape of the next meeting, "pointing out that" the court's decision and clear to cancel the open meeting and did not leave the door ajar in front of a constitutional vacuum and hence the future meetings will be open which is legal and everyone sticking to it, "and appealed to al-Awadi, all parties," the commitment of the statements that are in reality the supreme interest of the country because the current phase need to focus and attention to form the next government, which could achieve the ambition of the Iraqi people. "

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    Parliament closes general adoption of the budget Empty Re: Parliament closes general adoption of the budget

    Post by Neno Wed 04 Jun 2014, 3:55 pm

    Well this ended my when thought. Now we focus on this news forward to follow when that budget will get done if it gets done in 2014.

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