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    Ncaa: You must speed up the adoption of the general budget for 2014, and keep it away from political

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    Ncaa: You must speed up the adoption of the general budget for 2014, and keep it away from political Empty Ncaa: You must speed up the adoption of the general budget for 2014, and keep it away from political

    Post by Rocky Fri 15 Nov 2013, 6:52 am

    Ncaa: You must speed up the adoption of the general budget for 2014, and keep it away from political bargaining
    Author: BS, TT 
    Editor: AJ, BS 11.15.2013 14:32 Number of readings: 34 
     Range Press / Karbala
    The representative of the religious authority in Karbala on Friday, thanks to the security and service "to its success" in the plan a visit Ashura, the promise of targeting processions Husseiniya as "targeted to belong to Imam Hussein," and stressed that terrorism "will not achieve its goals whatever the strength of his support," while student "to accelerate the adoption of the 2014 budget and not be subject to political bargaining and electoral propaganda."
    He said Sistani's representative in Karbala, Abdul Mahdi al-Karbalai during Friday prayers held in Hadra Husseiniya, and attended (range Press) "We attribute the families of the martyrs who were killed by the terrorist attacks that targeted processions Husseiniya in the provinces of Diyala and Wasit and other operations that have taken place in Mosul, Anbar, Kirkuk , "he continued," with some terrorist operations, but the security forces have been successful in a plan to visit the tenth of Muharram in Karbala and it deserves thanks and praise, as well as our thanks to other devices and service departments and employees of the holy sites. "
    He drew Ncaa "message strong and clear" to the armed groups that target processions Husseiniya, and said that "This targeting is clearly defined and identity is the identity of belonging to Imam Hussein (AS)," stressing that "whatever your strength and supporting parties you you will not you will be able to achieve your goals Whenever shed the blood of the greater adherence and persistence approach Hussein (AS), "explaining that" increasing the number of visitors to the Imam Hussein and Husseiniya processions every year it is the only evidence of the adverse consequences of terrorist operations. "
    On the other hand,, Ncaa criticized repeated problem rash of rain water and drowned streets again this year, after it sank last year. 
    And that "heavy rainfall occurred in the past year and was expected to be repeated this year and will be repeated in the coming days," and noted that "ترامي responsibility among the officials themselves is not a solution to the problem," stressing that "the responsibility, solidarity is the duty of everyone."
    Sistani's representative called "crisis cell formation and the development of a contingency plan to minimize the damage caused by the heavy rains that came in the future."
    Ncaa described the general budget for 2014, amounting to $ 145 billion, as "the largest in the history of Iraq," and called for "cashed focus on the priorities of tasks and projects that serve the citizen."
    He stressed the need to "Do not delay ratification in the House of Representatives and not subject to political bargaining and try to exploit gains and electoral propaganda".
    The leadership of the Middle Euphrates announced, in (November 12, 2013), the start of the implementation of the second phase of the security plan to visit the tenth of Muharram in Karbala, and indicated that the plan with the participation of more than 35 thousand element of security and with the help of the Ministries of Interior and Defense, and confirmed follow accurate ways to prevent any security incident, indicating that pre-emptive operations resulted in the arrest of more than 60 wanted suspects and the dismantling of a car bomb was intended to target visitors to Karbala in areas north of Babylon
    The province of Karbala, announced that, in the (November 11, 2013), for the completion of preparations and security services to visit the tenth of Muharram, and revealed the existence of new measures introduced into the security plan will reduce the terrorist attacks will be dealt with variables that may occur, calling for the establishment ceremony of Ashura naturally , and stressed that "terrorism will not be able to enter among the crowds of visitors and the implementation of its objectives."
    The departments of municipal water and sewer in Karbala, announced on Friday (the eighth month of November 2013), plans expanded to provide services to visitors during the visit of the tenth of the month of Muharram, the support of the Ministry of Municipalities and Public Works, and showed that it divided the city center to the breakers for the deployment of its teams and its mechanisms to provide services around the clock, and asked visitors and processions owners in collaboration with them and keep the city clean and maintain public property.
    The Department of Health Karbala, announced in (the fifth of November, 2013), from their broad plan to provide medical services for visitors to Karbala during the visit of Ashura in coordination with the departments health Baghdad, Najaf and Babil, Center of the Ministry of Health, and indicated that it will publish about 35 detachment medical and 170 ambulances in areas scattered from the center of the city of Karbala and the three entrances.
    The leadership of the Middle Euphrates, announced in (the first of November 2013), a plan, "court" to secure the city of Karbala during a visit by the tenth of Muharram with the participation of helicopters, indicating that it will provide streamlined high for the passage of visitors, and that the interior and defense ministries Stssondha Baktat trainer high levels.
    The witness Karbala during the month of Muharram, the influx of millions of visitors from inside and outside Iraq, to ​​commemorate the martyrdom of Imam Hussein bin Ali Abi Talib (AS), which has been replaced in the tenth day of Muharram.
    It is noteworthy that the Shiite Muslims in Iraq commemorating Ashura on the tenth of Muharram every year, and is the Ashura of the biggest religious events in the Shiite, because they live where commemorate the death of Imam Hussein (AS), in an atmosphere clouded by grief, and flying black flags amid councils Troy Biography "tragic" for the event.

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