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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Neno's Place Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality


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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Al-Kazemi stresses to Parliamentary Finance the fair distribution of wealth and the non-inclusion of

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Al-Kazemi stresses to Parliamentary Finance the fair distribution of wealth and the non-inclusion of Empty Al-Kazemi stresses to Parliamentary Finance the fair distribution of wealth and the non-inclusion of

    Post by Rocky Sun 07 Feb 2021, 8:21 am

    Al-Kazemi stresses to Parliamentary Finance the fair distribution of wealth and the non-inclusion of disputes in the file of citizen's food and services

    •  Time: 02/07/2021 13:57:44
    •  Read: 4,238 times

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    {Baghdad: Al Furat News} The Prime Minister, Mustafa Al-Kazemi, held a meeting today, Sunday, with members of the Parliamentary Finance Committee, during which the federal budget for 2021 was discussed, and the joint cooperation between the executive and legislative authorities was continued in order to expedite its approval.
    The Prime Minister stressed, "The financial budget that the government sent its draft earlier aims at financial and economic reform and support for vital sectors, which would address a large part of the problems of the Iraqi economy that it has been suffering from for decades." 
    He also pointed to "the importance of investing in the recent increase in oil prices in a way that contributes to reducing the burden on the citizen in the copy of the budget that is submitted to the vote in Parliament.
    He stressed the need to activate the mechanisms of automation and digital dealing, and also to activate the role of the Federal Service Council, in the course of economic reform."
    Al-Kazemi warned, "The need to adopt the principle of justice in distributing wealth among all regions of Iraq, in accordance with the principles of the constitution, and not to include political disputes in the citizen's food file and the level of services provided to him."
    And he indicated that "the country is currently facing many challenges, and we are working hard to reform the current situation and put the Iraqi economy on the right track, and it comes as an implementation of the government program that the House of Representatives voted on and also included in the government white paper."
    The statement of Al-Kazemi's office said, "It was agreed to intensify the holding of sessions between the executive and legislative authorities, to ensure the approval of a reform budget that preserves the rights of the citizen, and as soon as possible, and that the work of the legislative and executive authorities is complementary, and in the spirit of one team, in an effort to advance the historical responsibility, to get the country out of Current conditions. "
    Ammar Al-Masoudi

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