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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Drought will hit Iraq for 5 years .. The Ministry of Water Resources answers these concerns

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

    Posts : 282968
    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Drought will hit Iraq for 5 years .. The Ministry of Water Resources answers these concerns Empty Drought will hit Iraq for 5 years .. The Ministry of Water Resources answers these concerns

    Post by Rocky Sun 18 Apr 2021, 8:09 am

    [size=30]Drought will hit Iraq for 5 years .. The Ministry of Water Resources answers these concerns

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    Yes Iraq: Baghdad

    On Sunday, the Ministry of Water Resources clarified the fact that Iraq is exposed to drought for the coming years, confirming that the water situation is good and there is an excellent storage plan.
    Advisor to the Ministry of Water Resources, Awni Dhiab, said in a press interview, "What has been reported about Iraq being exposed to drought during the next five years is imprecise," indicating that "there are no predictors able to know this for the next five years."
    He continued, "The historical series of successive hydrological years from 1930 until now has not come a year of drought, more than two consecutive years of drought," pointing out that "scarce years may come or no floods will occur, but droughts do not come."
    He pointed out that "the good water resources management carried out by the ministry was able to overcome successive years of drought and meet the needs, whether in drinking water or agriculture, and we were also able to invest water in storage places and dams."
    "The dams and reservoirs are full, including the Mosul Dam and Haditha Dam, and the water situation is good and the ministry has an excellent treasury plan," noting that "the ministry controls and controls the quantities of water that are released according to plans set with the Ministry of Agriculture in the summer or winter agricultural season." .
    It is noteworthy that a number of experts in the environmental field have indicated that a drought will occur in Iraq for the next five years, and thus there will be a water crisis and the emergence of salt concentrations in the Shatt al-Arab waters.
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