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    Iraq intends to launch the third phase of the poverty reduction strategy

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Iraq intends to launch the third phase of the poverty reduction strategy  Empty Iraq intends to launch the third phase of the poverty reduction strategy

    Post by Rocky Thu 12 Jan 2023, 4:53 am

    Iraq intends to launch the third phase of the poverty reduction strategy 

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    Economy News-Baghdad
    The Ministry of Planning announced, on Thursday, that it will draw during the next few days the third phase of its strategy, which aims to reduce the poverty line in Iraq for the next five years. .
    A spokesman for the Ministry of Planning, Abd al-Zahra al-Hindawi, said in a statement, "The ministry, as the body concerned with drawing development policies and economic plans, is preparing to develop a strategy to reduce the poverty line (the third) in Iraq for the next five years," noting that "this strategy will take into account the repercussions that Iraq has witnessed." During the last two years, which were represented by the health aspects, the Corona pandemic, the economic crisis and the accompanying results, it negatively affected the poor and vulnerable groups in society. 
    Al-Hindawi added, "This strategy will put issues on the table and seek solutions and remedies for the living requirements of poor families in Iraq," explaining, "We are talking about multidimensional poverty that includes housing, health, education, and income. As a result, in each of these axes there are policies and procedures that are implemented by the authorities." Related". 
    And he continued, "With regard to income, it is linked to two main axes: the first is to improve the social protection network by raising the ceilings of salaries granted to those covered and increasing the coverage capacity, meaning the inclusion of a larger number of poor families within the network, and the other axis is related to providing income-generating job opportunities through the rehabilitation and training of young people." from poor families and the creation of small income-generating projects that contribute to creating a sustainable income for these families to protect them from the difficulty of life. 
    Al-Hindawi pointed out that "in the food aspect, there are several measures, including improving the ration card file by increasing the items within the food basket and improving the quality of items and the regularity of their distribution to poor families." 

    Added 01/12/2023 - 11:27 AM
    Updated 01/12/2023 - 1:51 PM
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