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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Parliamentary Integrity Committee...monitoring a waste of public money in a deal to supply citizens

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Parliamentary Integrity Committee...monitoring a waste of public money in a deal to supply citizens  Empty Parliamentary Integrity Committee...monitoring a waste of public money in a deal to supply citizens

    Post by Rocky Sat 21 Jan 2023, 5:43 am

    [size=45]Parliamentary Integrity Committee...monitoring a waste of public money in a deal to supply citizens with flour and suspicions of corruption of up to 400 billion dinars
    two hours ago[/size]

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    The Parliamentary Integrity Committee announced the monitoring of a waste of public money in the deal to supply citizens with flour, while it indicated that there are suspicions of corruption of up to 400 billion dinars in the supply of the food basket.
    Committee member Hadi al-Salami said in a statement to the official newspaper today, (January 21, 2023), that “the Ministry of Finance was previously approached through the Integrity Committee, and the answer was that the Ministry of Finance provided the Ministry of Commerce with sums to buy imported wheat and strategic storage at a value of one trillion and 549 billion.” And 740 million dinars (about one billion US dollars) for a period of six months from June 2022 to the end of the year.
    He added, “There are suspicions of corruption and waste of public money, because the flour material is now distributed between one month and another or every 3 months, and therefore there are suspicions of corruption in the matter,” noting that “the matter was referred to the Public Prosecution Service, the Integrity Commission, the Financial Supervision Bureau, and the Integrity Investigation Courts.” It is a matter of wasting public money.”
    He continued, “The process of corruption continues in the Ministry of Commerce,” noting that “the value of corruption is approximately 400 billion dinars in the food basket, not just flour,” stressing that “the Integrity Committee follows up on the people's power and will not stand by and watch the waste of this money.”
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      Current date/time is Wed 05 Feb 2025, 8:47 am