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    At Al-Amiri's house.. "State Administration" meets in the presence of Al-Sudani and Al-Halbousi

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    At Al-Amiri's house.. "State Administration" meets in the presence of Al-Sudani and Al-Halbousi Empty At Al-Amiri's house.. "State Administration" meets in the presence of Al-Sudani and Al-Halbousi

    Post by Rocky Tue 28 Feb 2023, 5:29 am

    At Al-Amiri's house.. "State Administration" meets in the presence of Al-Sudani and Al-Halbousi

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    2023-02-27 12:38

    Shafaq News / The State Administration Coalition, which brings together the political forces forming the government of Muhammad Shia'a al-Sudani, held its regular meeting on Monday evening, to discuss the latest political and security developments and the latest developments in the country.
    The meeting, which was held in the office of the head of the Al-Fatah Alliance, Hadi Al-Amiri, was attended by the Iraqi Prime Minister, Muhammad Shia'a Al-Sudani, according to a statement received by Shafaq News agency.

    Pictures taken of the meeting, which was held a while ago, showed the presence of the Speaker of the Iraqi Parliament, Muhammad al-Halbousi, the first deputy speaker of the parliament, Mohsen al-Mandalawi, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Fuad Hussein (for the Kurdistan Democratic Party), the Minister of Labor and Social Affairs, Ahmed al-Asadi, and the Minister of Planning, Muhammad Tamim.
    Also participating in the meeting were the head of the State of Law Coalition, Nuri al-Maliki, the head of the Sovereignty Coalition, Khamis al-Khanjar, the head of the Azm Muthanna al-Samarrai coalition, the head of the Supreme Council, Hammam Hamoudi, the head of the Wisdom Movement, Ammar al-Hakim, the head of the Jamahiriya Party, Ahmed al-Jubouri (Abu Mazen), and others.
    The "State Administration" coalition holds political meetings periodically, during which it discusses the latest developments in the Iraqi arena, and steps to implement the "political agreement" document and the government program for the prime minister.
    The State Administration Coalition is seeking to pass a new election law according to the amended St. Lego system, which has angered independents, civilians and the Sadrist movement.
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