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    A Kurdish delegation in Baghdad to discuss the employee's salary file and the region's monthly dues

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

    Posts : 282968
    Join date : 2012-12-21

    A Kurdish delegation in Baghdad to discuss the employee's salary file and the region's monthly dues Empty A Kurdish delegation in Baghdad to discuss the employee's salary file and the region's monthly dues

    Post by Rocky Mon 17 Jul 2023, 4:25 am

    A Kurdish delegation in Baghdad to discuss the employee's salary file and the region's monthly dues
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    Baghdad today - Erbil 
    Today, Monday (July 17, 2023), an official source in the Kurdistan government revealed the date of the meeting of the Kurdish delegation with the federal government in Baghdad, while indicating that the meeting will include the presentation of several files, foremost of which is the file of paying the salaries of the region's employees.
    In an exclusive interview with "Baghdad Today," the responsible source confirmed that "the delegation of the Kurdistan Regional Government will meet today in the capital, Baghdad, with the delegation of the federal government to discuss the outstanding problems between the two parties, and to complete the previous meetings."
    According to the source, "the demand to send June salaries to Kurdistan employees by the Iraqi government will be at the forefront of the Kurdish delegation's demands," noting that "the Kurdish delegation will listen to the Iraqi government's demands in order to implement them, provided that employees' salaries are paid and not delayed again."
    He continued, "The Kurdish delegation will stress the need to send financial dues to the region on a monthly basis, in the legal form, and according to what was agreed upon in the budget without delay."
    Earlier, the head of the Cabinet of the Kurdistan Region Council of Ministers said that a delegation from the regional government will visit Baghdad soon, in order to proceed with the implementation of the federal budget law, indicating that legal measures will be taken regarding the observations contained in some articles and paragraphs of the budget law. 
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