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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Kurdistan employees monitor the salary increase in Baghdad and await August dues.. The request for d

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Kurdistan employees monitor the salary increase in Baghdad and await August dues.. The request for d Empty Kurdistan employees monitor the salary increase in Baghdad and await August dues.. The request for d

    Post by Rocky Thu 26 Oct 2023, 4:29 am

    Kurdistan employees monitor the salary increase in Baghdad and await August dues.. The request for direct contact increases
    [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] |Today
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    Baghdad today - Baghdad
    The motives and justifications that raise the desire of some Kurdish political parties and residents of the region, especially in Sulaymaniyah Governorate, to link the salary file directly to Baghdad, the most recent of which are the increases approved by the Council of Ministers for the salaries of retirees and employees, are increasing.
    During its session held on Tuesday (October 24, 2023), the Council of Ministers approved a lump sum increase of 100,000 dinars for the salaries of retirees whose salaries are less than one million dinars, in addition to a lump sum increase of 50% of the nominal salary for employees of the eighth, ninth, and tenth grades who do not have allowances.
    While these increases were approved, on the other hand, the employees of the Kurdistan Region still have not received their salaries for the month of August yet, as it is hoped that they will receive them at the end of the current month, and then the salaries for the month of September will be received at the end of next November, while the salaries for the months of October and the second remain. December, fate unknown.
    In this regard, former Kurdish MP Yusra Rajab considered today, Wednesday (October 25, 2023), that “the employee salaries crisis in Kurdistan will not end except by linking it directly with the federal government. ”
    Rajab said in an interview with “Baghdad Today” that “we have noticed how the Iraqi government respects its employees and retirees and is thinking about increasing their salaries and providing them with loans, while the employee in Kurdistan is still waiting for the salary of August and we will enter the month of November, and this matter is very shameful. ”
    She pointed out that "the solution lies in linking the salaries of employees and retirees directly with the federal government via the smart card and MasterCard ."
    While the Sulaymaniyah Governorate and its employees demanded that their salaries be linked directly to Baghdad, Erbil and the ruling party there were opposed to this mechanism, considering that this matter would empty the idea of ​​the region of its content, dismantle it, and make the provinces of Kurdistan fragmented and linked to the central government and nothing linked to the regional government.
    However, Erbil and the Kurdistan Regional Government believe that the salaries of the region’s employees should not be linked to any other problems related to the budget, and the employees must receive their salaries permanently through Baghdad sending their salaries to the regional government and it undertakes to distribute them. As for the rest of the financial problems and entitlements, they are subject to political agreements.
    For his part, Chairman of the Parliamentary Legal Committee, Rebwar Hadi, says that Articles 117 and 121 of the Iraqi Constitution stipulate that the Kurdistan Region enjoys its legislative, judicial and executive powers, and therefore, constitutionally, the federal government cannot distribute the salaries of the region’s employees directly.
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      Current date/time is Wed 05 Feb 2025, 10:03 am