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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Distributing more than 900,000 “biometric” voter cards in Diyala

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Distributing more than 900,000 “biometric” voter cards in Diyala Empty Distributing more than 900,000 “biometric” voter cards in Diyala

    Post by Rocky Tue 03 Oct 2023, 6:57 am

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    [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]
    [size=52]Distributing more than 900,000 “biometric” voter cards in Diyala[/size]
    • Today 13:57

     Information / Diyala...
     On Tuesday, a human rights organization revealed that more than 900,000 biometric voter cards had been distributed in Diyala.
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    The head of the Diyala Organization for Human Rights, Talib Al-Khazraji, said in an interview with “Al-Ma’louma” that “his organization is closely monitoring the latest developments in the electoral file and its developments in Diyala directly in coordination with the Commission, pointing out that the total number of voters exceeds one million and 180 thousand, but more than 915 thousand voter cards have been distributed.” Biometrics and those who will be allowed to participate.”
    He added, "There are 16 electoral lists in Diyala, 7 of which are alliances and 8 parties, while there is one independent entity," pointing out that "the number of candidates is 329, denying that any of them have been formally excluded so far, awaiting the Commission's decision to approve the names in accordance with the approved instructions."
    He pointed out that "the number of electoral centers in Diyala reaches 283, and there are efforts to create 16 more, but the last one is awaiting official approvals from the Commission in accordance with a vision it adopts in order to spread the centers in all districts and districts."
    The provincial council elections are important in Diyala, as they will have several responsibilities, including choosing the next governor. Ended 25 F
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