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    Iran responds strongly to Kuwait regarding the Dorra oil field

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Iran responds strongly to Kuwait regarding the Dorra oil field Empty Iran responds strongly to Kuwait regarding the Dorra oil field

    Post by Rocky Sat 09 Mar 2024, 4:24 am

    [size=35][size=35]Iran responds strongly to Kuwait regarding the Dorra oil field[/size][/size]
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    03-08-2024 | 10:10
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    Iranian Presidential Assistant for Legal Affairs Mohammad Dehghan confirmed that if Kuwait begins extracting oil and gas from the Arash-Dorra field, his country will take a similar step.


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    Dehghan added: “We are still saying, as before, that this issue must be resolved peacefully. Al-Durra is a gas and oil field, part of which belongs to us, and we do not have a maritime border with Kuwait, but we discovered that field and drilled a well there several years ago, but we have not used it until now.” So as not to create a challenge between us and Kuwait and its neighbors.”

    He continued, "Iran believes in unified extraction from the Dorra field so that extraction and production can take place safely."

    He pointed out that "Kuwait has not had a constructive opinion until now and has reached an agreement with Saudi Arabia because part of this field is in Saudi waters and they are looking for joint extraction."

    He added: "We still believe that the Dorra field is shared and we want integration, but if Kuwait starts extracting oil from the field, we will start too."

    Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman Nasser Kanaani expressed his country's rejection of the Gulf Cooperation Council's statement, which considered the Dorra gas field to be owned by Saudi Arabia and Kuwait alone, and described it as "unconstructive."

    The Dorra field is of great importance on the economic and political levels, as its importance lies in being considered a waiting store for gas production, while its location, which is located in a border area, has disrupted its production since the date of its exploration in the year 1960.

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