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    Iran responds to Kuwait on a joint oil and gas field

    Admin Assist
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    Iran responds to Kuwait on a joint oil and gas field Empty Iran responds to Kuwait on a joint oil and gas field

    Post by Rocky Tue 11 Jul 2023, 4:52 am

    Iran responds to Kuwait on a joint oil and gas field

    Iran responds to Kuwait on a joint oil and gas field 14944

    Arab and international

    Economy News _ Baghdad
    Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokesman Nasser Kanaani commented on the discussions about the Arash oil and gas field.
    Nasser Kanaani, responding to the discussions about the Arash oil and gas field, said that this issue, along with the demarcation of the maritime borders, was among the issues discussed by Iran and Kuwait. The last round of legal and technical negotiations in this regard was held on March 13, 2023 in Tehran between the Iranian and Kuwaiti delegations at the level of senior directors of the two countries' foreign ministries.
    The official spokesman for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs added: Issues related to the demarcation of maritime borders and the exploitation of shared hydrocarbon resources, taking into account common interests and the principle of good neighborliness with all neighbors, including Kuwait, have always been of interest to the Islamic Republic of Iran.
    In the end, Kanani stressed: The policy of the thirteenth government is based on dialogue, cooperation and participation, and issues related to the two countries will be pursued within this framework.
    It is noteworthy that the Kuwaiti Oil Minister had previously claimed, in strange statements, that the Arash gas field belongs to his country and Saudi Arabia, and that Iran must first commit to demarcating the maritime borders.
    In 1962, huge gas reserves were discovered in the middle of the Persian Gulf, and this joint field between the two countries, Iran and Kuwait, is called "Arsh" on the Iranian side and "Durra" on the Kuwaiti side.
    In 2001, Iran deployed equipment to start exploratory drilling in this area. But by threatening our country with a complaint to the international authorities, Kuwait prevented Iran from any activity until the result of defining the water borders was obtained, so Iran stopped exploration and development activities in the Arash field. While Saudi Arabia and Kuwait started exploration and development activities in this gas field in a joint plan since 2000 without the knowledge of Iran.

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