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    Dhi Qar demanding petro-dollars and the opening of Nasiriyah refinery

    Admin Assist
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     Dhi Qar demanding petro-dollars and the opening of Nasiriyah refinery Empty Dhi Qar demanding petro-dollars and the opening of Nasiriyah refinery

    Post by Rocky Mon 18 Jan 2016, 5:03 pm

    [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.] Dhi Qar demanding petro-dollars and the opening of Nasiriyah refinery
     By: [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]
    on: Monday 01/18/2016 22:48
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    / Dhi Qar / Baghdad news 
    Provincial Council recommended Dhi Qar representatives of the province in the House of Representatives demanding the federal government to accelerate in the amounts of petro-dollar exchange rate, and the transfer of powers from the ministries to the province in addition to the opening of Nasiriyah refinery. This came during a meeting of the Council with a number of deputy governors in Parliament , to discuss a number of problems experienced by the province, according to a statement issued by the Council. The Council President Hamid Naeem Gazan, according to a statement received "Baghdad News" a copy of it, that "The Council held a coordination meeting with the members of the House of Representatives for the province of Dhi Qar, and to discuss a number of topics of interest to the province, "he said, adding that" the meeting discussed the economic file and the strengthening of local revenues and the financial allocations and demanding to maintain its share of the petro-dollar, which did not happen in previous years, and the completion of the transfer of powers from eight ministries and the emphasis on transfer to local governments Baltoukitat specific to Article 45 and the application of the law. "and between "The meeting discussed the establishment of Nasiriyah refinery and the emphasis on the Oil Ministry of the need to allocate the investment file after it went on the project more than four years did not resolve," pointing out that "the representatives of the province have had a role opened the oil company of Dhi Qar, and today they are required to certainly on the central government and the Oil Ministry to refer the refinery because of the importance of the provision of functional degrees to people of the province and economic returns. "He said the Gazan that" it was agreed that the central government is required to give the share of Dhi Qar province, approved by the Ministry of Finance, which stipulated by the federal and budget financial Palmtalqat of the petrodollar, amounting law more than 300 billion dinars has not acted in previous years, and in 2015, specifically the share of the province 257 billion only 38 billion dinars did not distract them. "He said President of the Council had been discussed and the emphasis on the Ministry of Interior regarding the border crossing for the provinces of Dhi Qar, Muthanna, who worked in session Previous Council has not completed its own procedures in previous years. He emphasized that the parliamentarians adopted a Gazan Thread consultation between the local government in the province of Muthanna and the Interior Ministry.

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