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    Oil put Baiji refinery investment .. and energy demanding the opening of the parliamentary session f

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    Oil put Baiji refinery investment .. and energy demanding the opening of the parliamentary session f Empty Oil put Baiji refinery investment .. and energy demanding the opening of the parliamentary session f

    Post by Rocky Sun 09 Oct 2016, 2:32 am

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    Oil put Baiji refinery investment .. and energy demanding the opening of the parliamentary session file corruption

     Baghdad / term 

    The Minister of Oil Jabar Luaibi, on Saturday, all near the launch Baiji refinery investment, stressing that the workers at the refinery, representing one of the refineries sector columns and cared for by officials in the ministry, as demanded by the Commission on oil and energy parliamentary, to open an investigation "urgent" corruption files relating to a contract refrigerated cabinets processing in the refinery, criticizing the performance of the Director of the Daura refinery in the management and maintenance of public money.
    Allaibi said in a statement received "long", a copy of it, that " the relevant departments in the Oil Ministry put the final touches to the project Baiji refinery , which will hopefully be raised by domestic investment and external in the coming period , according to the Investment refineries law , " stressing " the ministry 'skeenness to restore life the Baiji refinery in Salah al - Din province on according to the latest international technical specifications and modern technology. " 
    He Allaibi for" pride of workers in the refinery of Baiji, describing them as " an important part of the people of the oil sector , where they form one of the refineries sector columns and cared for by officials in the ministry." in what respect petroleum Institute in Baiji , Minister of oil , " the ministry 's keenness to resume the study at this institute after his rehabilitation and to provide the appropriate conditions for the requested". 
    the Council of Salahuddin province had voted on Tuesday (October 4, 2016), a decision needs to be security agencies supervising the site Baiji refinery extradite him to his administration within thirty days, and called forthe rehabilitation of the refinery locally or put to the investment, while stressing initiate the formation of adelegation to negotiate with the central government and the oil Ministry on the same thing, manage North refineries company emphasized the direct reconstruction of the Chinese refinery , the need to take advantage of it in the ownership of a repeat oil. 
    for his part , MP Qutaiba al - Jubouri, said he agreed with the oil minister , not to restructure the Baiji refinery, while noting that he will announce his rehabilitation investment way. 
    Jubouri said in an interview I followed the "long", he "agreed with the oil minister , not to restructure Baiji refinery , "adding that" he will be announcing his rehabilitation investment manner through specialized international companies and keep a cadre of the refinery in his work without their prejudice. " 
    he said al - Jubouri , " as well as we have agreed with the minister to cancel the order issued to shut down the oil institute in Baiji , "adding that "these measures will have a significant impact and contribute actively tothe creation of the state of stability and return of displaced persons to crack after it has been edited and crush Aldoaash Alangas by the security forces and the sons of the popular crowd heroes." 
    He continued, "this achievement is calculated oil minister and ministry staff in the children of our great service." 
    the parliament speaker Salim al - Jubouri said in (February 17, 2016), that the Baiji refinery exposed to a large volume of sabotage and tamper evident, indicating that attempts to destroy this great economic edifice would fail. In a related development , a student member of the Commission on oil and energy parliamentary Ali Faisal al - Fayad, an investigation "urgent" corruption files that relate to a contract refrigerated cabinets processing in the refinery, criticizing the performance of the Director of Daura in the management of therefinery and the maintenance of public money. 
    He said Fayad said in a statement received "term ", a copy of it, it" must open an urgent investigation files ofcorruption relating to a contract refrigerated cabinets processing in the refinery , which occurred in 2010 ,"stressing that" the company that took the project Armada company with the refinery. " 
    he criticized Fayad," the performance director of Daura in the management of the refinery and themaintenance of public money , "surprising than" extend his stay at the refinery by a senior agent in theministry despite warning us agent not to his ability and efficiency of an official letter in addition to his arrival in the retirement age, but he insisted on approaching the prime minister and the extension of the director puts more than a sign question on the move. " 
    He said Fayad," the committee is moving to host and questioned a number of the Ministry of oil officials ,especially whales , who took control of contracts and turned them into some of which companies that were not most of them are either fake or non - solid. " 
    It is said that the phenomenon of administrative and financial corruption rampant in Iraq at the end of the era of the former regime, and increased percentage after 2003 in various departments and ministries of Iraq, where the charges of corruption affected a number of senior state officials and senior officers in the security services.

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