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    Air raid burn millions Daash in Mosul Newspaper: Daash reduces his followers to half the salaries of

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    Air raid burn millions Daash in Mosul Newspaper: Daash reduces his followers to half the salaries of Empty Air raid burn millions Daash in Mosul Newspaper: Daash reduces his followers to half the salaries of

    Post by Rocky Mon 18 Jan 2016, 5:20 pm

    [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]
    Air raid burn millions Daash in Mosul
    Newspaper: Daash reduces his followers to half the salaries of the result of "financial distress" suffered by the

    Author: HAA 
    Editor: BK 2016/01/18 21:27 Number of Views: 581 

    Long-Presse / Baghdad
    Press leaks revealed, Monday, for the (Daash) to reduce by half the salaries of his fighters, usually an indicator of "financial distress" suffered by the organization in light of the continued targeting of its funding sources in Iraq and Syria.
    The Israeli newspaper The Jerusalem Post The Jerusalem Post, in a report I followed (range Press), "The leaked documents about the organization Daash showed he cut his salary in half," usually it "an indication of the financial distress of the organization with the continued flight international coalition to target sources of funding in Iraq and Syria. "
    The newspaper added that "the leaked documents issued so-called house of Muslims Daash money for the organization, in December 2015 the past, justified the sharp salaries exceptional circumstances experienced by the organization downsizing."
    The newspaper reported that "Daash addressed in those documents follow a verse from the Koran confirms that the Jihad with money equivalent to Jihad self, and urged them not to donating their money," pointing out that "the organization of the document of the special circumstances through which the decision to reduce his salary to half of the None of them, without exception, no matter what his position. "
    And confirmed the Jerusalem Post, that "the financial situation of the organization has grown worse than it was in December last, in the wake of the US raid that recently targeted the house of capital regulation, in Mosul (405 km north of Baghdad), and burned millions of dollars in it."
    The US military, announced in (the 11th of January the current 2016), for one of its planes bombed a site for the distribution of funds continued to organize (Daash) in Iraq, which led to the destruction and burning of millions of dollars in funds deposited therein.
    The Network (CNN) news quoted military US officials, that this building, which is located in Mosul, destroyed two bombs each weighing two 2,000-pound, noting that officials had not been possible for them to determine the amount of funds or currency type, but said it is in the millions.
    It is noteworthy that the international coalition and Iraqi military aviation, has stepped up raids on sites (Daash), especially those related to oil, which led to a "sharp reduction" in the sources of funding for the organization.
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    Air raid burn millions Daash in Mosul Newspaper: Daash reduces his followers to half the salaries of Empty Re: Air raid burn millions Daash in Mosul Newspaper: Daash reduces his followers to half the salaries of

    Post by fonz1951 Mon 18 Jan 2016, 6:38 pm

    well,what a shame!

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