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    Iraq review the framework agreement with the United States Alastratja items

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    Iraq review the framework agreement with the United States Alastratja items Empty Iraq review the framework agreement with the United States Alastratja items

    Post by Rocky Tue 16 Aug 2016, 6:31 am


    Iraq review the framework agreement with the United States Alastratja items

    [ltr][rtl]History[/rtl] of [rtl]edits:: 2016/8/16 12:55 • 121 visits readable[/rtl][/ltr]
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    [Where - Baghdad] 
    Iraq review the implementation of the strategic framework agreement signed with the United States in 2008 and withdrew under which US troops from the country in 2011.
    A statement by his press office received by all of Iraq [where] a copy of the "Foreign Minister Ibrahim al-Jaafari, presided over the first meeting of the Higher Committee to follow up the implementation of the strategic framework agreement signed with the United States in 2008 at the headquarters of the Foreign Ministry, with the participation of a number of agents, general managers interior ministries , oil, planning, health, environment, culture, transport, industry, housing and reconstruction, and youth and Sports, and the National Security Agency after the cabinet approval of the proposed Ministry of Foreign Affairs to form a higher committee concerned with the management of shared files between US and Iraqi ministries in the framework of the strategic agreement under the chairmanship of Foreign Minister Dr. Ibrahim al-Jaafari to give effect to the terms of the agreement, and take care of common interests and face common dangers, and the development of the areas included in the Convention, and respect for sovereignty, and the service of the two friendly peoples. " 
    "The meeting concluded agreed that each ministry to submit its proposals to be formulated later bilateral agreement, or memorandum of understanding in the areas that concerned them, and benefit from the experience, and the possibility of their American counterparts, based on installed in the Convention text, activate the relevant committees, and to overcome obstacles joint committees, in addition to the need to condense the time of submission of proposals ministries, and to intensify efforts to hold meetings going on to complete the preparation work of the Iraqi committee papers, and approached the US side. " 
    Iraq and the United States and had been signed in November 17, 2008 Strategic Framework Agreement for a relationship of friendship and cooperation between the two countries, and emphasizes the "long-term relationship in the economic, diplomatic, cultural and security fields, based on the relationship of friendship and cooperation to the mutual respect and the principles and recognized standards of international law and to meet international obligations, and the principle of non-interference in internal affairs, rejection of the use of violence to settle disputes. " 
    The agreement also stressed "that the United States does not use the territory and waters and airspace of Iraq starting point or transit point for attacks on other countries and not to seek or request permanent bases or a permanent military presence in Iraq." 
    The agreement entered into force on the first of January 2009, after an exchange of diplomatic notes confirming the completion of the necessary actions of the parties to implement this agreement under the relevant window in both countries constitutional procedures. 
    And it indicates the second clause of section 11 of the Convention states that "This agreement shall remain in effect unless either Party provides written notice to the other party intent to terminate this Agreement, the termination shall be effective one year after the date of such notice." 
    Also it refers to "may be amended by this Agreement by mutual consent in writing and in accordance with the constitutional procedures in force in the two countries, and is subject to all cooperation under this Agreement with the laws and instructions of the two countries." 
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    Interacting Investor
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    Iraq review the framework agreement with the United States Alastratja items Empty Re: Iraq review the framework agreement with the United States Alastratja items

    Post by lonelyintexas Tue 16 Aug 2016, 8:35 am

    Iraq plans to deal with the American ministries to take advantage of it potential
    {Baghdad} Euphrates News agreed a number of ministries, through the presence of the Supreme Committee to follow up the implementation of the strategic framework between Iraq and America's Convention on the meeting, the drafting of bilateral agreements with their US counterparts to take advantage of its capabilities.
    al - Jaafari ,"presided over the first meeting of the Higher Committee to follow up the implementation of the strategic framework agreement signed with the United States in 2008 at the headquarters of the Foreign Ministry, with the participation of a number of agents and general managers interior ministries, oil, planning, health, environment, culture, transport, industry, housing and reconstruction, and youth and Sports, and the National Security Agency. "
    He pointed out that" the meeting was held after the cabinet approval of the proposed Ministry of Foreign Affairs to form a higher committee dealing with management shared files between US and Iraqi ministries in the framework of the strategic agreement , headed by Foreign Minister Ibrahim al - Jaafari to give effect to the terms of the agreement, and take care of common interests and face common dangers, and the development of the areas included in the Convention, and respect for sovereignty, and the service of the two friendly peoples. " 
    the statement said that" the meeting concluded agreement on that each ministry to submit its proposals to be formulated later bilateral agreement, or memorandum of understanding in the areas that concerned them, and benefit from the experience, and the possibility of their American counterparts , based on installed in the Convention text, activate the relevant committees, and to overcome obstacles to the joint committees, in addition to the need to condense the time proposals ministries, and to intensify efforts to hold meetings going on to complete the preparation work of the Iraqi committee papers, and approached the US side , "
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    Iraq review the framework agreement with the United States Alastratja items Empty Commission implementation of the strategic framework agreement held its first meeting under the chai

    Post by Rocky Tue 16 Aug 2016, 10:50 am

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    Author: AB, HH 
    Editor: AB, HH 16/8/2016 12:25 Number ofViews: 405 


    Long-Presse / Baghdad
    Higher Committee to follow up the implementation of the strategic framework agreement was held on Tuesday, their first meeting under the chairmanship of Foreign Minister Ibrahim al-Jaafari, with the participation of a number of ministries and the National Security Agency, called upon the ministries to submit their proposals concerning the agreement with the United States.
    Information Office of the Foreign Minister Ibrahim al-Jaafari said in a statement received (range Press), a copy of it, "the Iraqi Foreign Minister Ibrahim al-Jaafari, presided over the first meeting of the Higher Committee to follow up the implementation of the strategic framework agreement signed with the United States in 2008, at the headquarters of the Foreign Ministry, with the participation of a number of agents, general managers and interior ministries, oil, planning, health, environment, culture, transport, industry, housing and reconstruction, and youth and Sports, and the National Security Agency. "
    He Jaafari's office, "The meeting took place after the Cabinet approval of the proposed Ministry of Foreign Affairs to form a higher committee concerned with the management of shared files between US and Iraqi ministries in the framework of the strategic agreement under the chairmanship of Foreign Minister to activate the terms of the agreement, and take care of common interests and face common dangers, and the development of the areas included in Convention, and respect for sovereignty, and the service of the two friendly peoples. " 
    He said the Information Office of the foreign minister, that "the meeting concluded agreed that each ministry to submit its proposals to be formulated later bilateral agreement, or memorandum of understanding in the areas that concerned them, and benefit from the experience, and the possibility of their American counterparts, based on installed in the Convention text, activate committees concerned, and to overcome obstacles to the joint committees, in addition to the need to condense the time of submission of proposals ministries, and to intensify efforts to hold meetings going on to complete the preparation work of the Iraqi committee papers, and approached the US side. "

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    Iraq review the framework agreement with the United States Alastratja items Empty External: the Strategic Framework Agreement with the United States in the role of "run-off"!

    Post by Rocky Wed 17 Aug 2016, 4:39 am

    [ltr]External: the Strategic Framework Agreement with the United States in the role of "run-off"![/ltr]

     August 17, 2016 - 12:32

    Baghdad / Iraq News Network-review Iraq 's implementation of the strategic framework agreement signed with the United States in 2008 and withdrew under which US troops from the country in 2011.ozkr statement by his press office: " The Foreign Minister Ibrahim al - Jaafari , presided overthe first meeting of the Higher Committee to follow up the implementation of the strategic framework agreement signed with the United States in 2008 at the headquarters of the Foreign Ministry, with the participation of a number of agents, general managers interior ministries, oil, planning, health, environment, culture, transport, industry, housing and reconstruction, and youth and Sports, and the National Security Agency after the cabinet approval of the proposal Foreign Ministry to form a higher committee concerned with the management of shared files between US and Iraqi ministries in the framework of the strategic agreement , headed by Minister of Foreign Affairs , Dr. Ibrahim al - Jaafari to give effect to the terms of the agreement, and take care ofcommon interests and face common dangers, and the development of the areas included in theConvention, and respect for sovereignty, and the service of the two friendly peoples . "He added "the meeting concluded agreed that each ministry to submit its proposals to be formulated later bilateral agreement, or memorandum of understanding in the areas that concerned them, and benefit from the experience, and the possibility of their American counterparts , based on installed in the Convention text, activate the relevant committees, and to overcome the obstacles in front ofcommittees common, in addition to the need to condense the time of submission of proposals ministries, and to intensify efforts to hold meetings going on to complete the preparation work of the Iraqi committee papers, and approached the US side. " 
    Iraq and the United States and had been signed in November 17 , 2008 Strategic Framework Agreement for a relationship of friendship and cooperation between the two countries, and emphasizes the "long - term relationship in the economic, diplomatic, cultural and security fields, based on the relationship of friendship and cooperation to the mutual respect and the principles and recognized standards of international law and to meet international obligations, and the principle ofnon - interference in internal affairs, rejection of the use of violence to settle differences ". as stressed Convention" that neither the United States to use the territory and waters and airspace ofIraq starting point or transit point for attacks on other countries and not to seek or request permanent bases or a permanent military presence in Iraq , "this agreement .odechlt into force onthe first of January 2009, after an exchange of diplomatic notes confirming the completion of thenecessary actions of the parties to implement this agreement under the relevant window of theconstitutional procedures in both Albuldan.oichir the second clause of section 11 of the Convention states that "this agreement shall remain in force unless either party provides written notice to theother party intent to terminate this agreement, the termination shall be effective one year after the date of such notification" . Also refer to "may be amended by this agreement by mutual consent inwriting according to the constitutional procedures in force in the two countries, and is subject to all cooperation under this agreement with the laws and instructions of the two countries. "

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