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    Abadi: cut government spending to its lowest level in the budget of 2017

    Admin Assist
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    Abadi: cut government spending to its lowest level in the budget of 2017 Empty Abadi: cut government spending to its lowest level in the budget of 2017

    Post by Rocky Tue 29 Nov 2016, 1:53 am

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    Abadi: cut government spending to its lowest level in the budget of 2017

     Baghdad / term 

    Postponed the House of Representatives, on Monday, vote on the draft budget law for fiscal 2017 to the day after tomorrow Thursday, while Prime Minister Haider al -Abadi said that the next budget adopted to reduce government spending to its lowest level and to cover the salaries of employees and retirees. 
    A source in the House of Representatives for the "long", " The Council allergic vote on the draft budget law for fiscal 2017 to next Thursday in order to complete the Finance Committee talks with official bodies in order toreduce costs and make transfers between state institutions." 
    On the other hand, he said the parliamentary Finance Committee rapporteur Ahmed Hama "long", " TheCommission is still in the process of discussing the draft budget bill for fiscal 2017 materials , " stressing that "20 items still remaining from the financial budget bill has not been discussed." 
    The Prime Minister , Dr. Haider al - Abadi held a meeting with members of the parliamentary finance committee in the presence of officials from the Ministry of Finance. 
    Ebadi said the Office in a press release received the "long" version of it, that he " had been discussed during the meeting put the finishing touches on the financial budget law for 2017 for a vote as soon as possible inaddition to the financial situation faced by the country as a result of lower oil prices." The Abadi , according to the statement " the importance of approving the budget , which was adopted to reduce government spending to its lowest level and to cover the salaries of employees and retirees as well as entitlements necessary task of the sectors that contribute to the development and job creation." 
    In the meantime, he criticized the deputy Iraqi Economists Association, on behalf of Jamil Antoine, method ofpreparation of the financial budget. He said Antoine "long", " The financial budget still is the fashion items and are not targets and can not get out of this box because the country depends on oil , " noting that " thecountry can come out of the budget items in the event of diversifying sources after activating the productive sectors . " . 
    He explained that " the financial budget depends on the loan to reduce the fiscal deficit ratio and this is a burden on the economy of the country." 
    The budget for fiscal year 2017 amounting to 100 trillion dinars adopted on the basis of export 3.75 million barrels per day at a price of $ 42 a barrel and the fiscal deficit amounted to 21 trillion dinars will be covered through internal and external borrowing.
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