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    Jumaili: the government is unable to use Iraq's money frozen in the development correctly

    Admin Assist
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    Posts : 282968
    Join date : 2012-12-21

      Jumaili: the government is unable to use Iraq's money frozen in the development correctly Empty Jumaili: the government is unable to use Iraq's money frozen in the development correctly

    Post by Rocky Thu 04 Jul 2013, 7:11 am

    Jumaili: the government is unable to use Iraq's money frozen in the development correctly

    Thursday, 04 June / July 2013 08:21

    {Baghdad: Euphrates News} predicted an MP for the Iraqi List and the unit Jumaili government's inability to use frozen Iraqi funds abroad in the country's development process properly.

    He said in a statement to the Euphrates News Agency {} on Thursday that "the withdrawal of Iraq from Chapter VII of the government calculates," indicating that "the joy of the people in this matter will be greater if there were positive repercussions."

    Observers said the central bank to acquire approximately $ 84 billion in global banks the government can not manipulate them.

    Jumaili said he "became the legitimacy of government to dispose of the money that was frozen was launched", wondering for "priority in the disbursement of these funds is a matter for the Government."

    They believed that "the existence of the government under a state of fragmentation in the arena and party affiliation it will not use this money to serve the Iraqi people properly."

    The Security Council voted unanimously last Thursday to remove Iraq from Chapter VII and international sanctions after it was imposed during the nineties of the past century against the backdrop of policies reckless system dictatorial principles about the State of the region, and that Iraq has freed from the constraint global and become its sovereignty fully at home and his money. ended 4 m

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    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

    Posts : 282968
    Join date : 2012-12-21

      Jumaili: the government is unable to use Iraq's money frozen in the development correctly Empty Re: Jumaili: the government is unable to use Iraq's money frozen in the development correctly

    Post by Rocky Thu 04 Jul 2013, 7:32 am

    National: frozen funds must be spent in the service of the people away from corruption and political one-upmanship 

     Thursday, 04 July 2013 08: 17 

    {Baghdad: Euphrates news} national bloc stressed that funds which had been frozen for decades should be to serve the people away from corruption and political one-upmanship.
    Bloc MP, said Ahmed Al-jubouri said {forat news} Thursday that "after Iraq from Chapter VII, the funds that have been frozen for decades must appropriately and serve the people within the infrastructure, housing and education and services and spent in a way far from corruption and political one-upmanship and hiring a solid global companies working to restore infrastructure in the country."
    And the Security Council voted unanimously to remove days before Iraq from Chapter VII and international sanctions after the k-NET has imposed during the 1990s against the backdrop of reckless policies of the past to the bygone dictatorship about the State of the region, this is Iraq free of constraint, become full sovereignty over their territory and their money.
    Al-jubouri said that "relations with States should be distinct, open, step up diplomatic efforts to win strong relationships in the fields of economy and investment".
    And the Iraqis thought good to exit Iraq from Chapter VII and international sanctions on the country and its assets are funds which had been frozen and under international tutelage to controls and mechanisms to prevent wastage misplaced to ensure maximum benefit for the benefit of all Iraqis. Over 4 m

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