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    Zarif calls on the parties to the nuclear agreement to normalize economic relations with Iran

    Admin Assist
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    Zarif calls on the parties to the nuclear agreement to normalize economic relations with Iran Empty Zarif calls on the parties to the nuclear agreement to normalize economic relations with Iran

    Post by Rocky Sun 09 Jun 2019, 3:51 am

    [size=32]Zarif calls on the parties to the nuclear agreement to normalize economic relations with Iran

    - 5 Minutes Ago
    Zarif calls on the parties to the nuclear agreement to normalize economic relations with Iran %D8%B8%D8%B1%D9%8A%D9%81
    Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif called on the rest of the parties to the nuclear agreement to normalize economic relations with the Islamic Republic.
    "The Europeans and the rest of the parties to the nuclear agreement must return economic relations with Iran to normal," the official IRNA news agency quoted him as saying.
    The United States continues to impose more enormous pressure on Iran to force it to renegotiate its nuclear deal with the major powers in 2015 and the administration of US President Donald Trump unilaterally withdrew from it last year.
    Iran announced last May to reduce its commitments to the nuclear agreement, and threatened further measures after 60 days.
    "We said earlier that we will implement our plan in the first 60 days, and we will take additional action in the next 60 days, and then we will decide further," Zarif said.
    It should be noted that the European countries parties to the agreement, Germany, Britain and France, confirm their adherence to the agreement, but it condemns Iran's missile programs.
    "The Europeans are not in a position to criticize Iran, even in areas that have nothing to do with the nuclear agreement," Zarif said.
    Commenting on the upcoming visit of the Japanese Prime Minister and the German Foreign Minister to Tehran and the external tours of Iranian officials, Zarif said that these meetings "represent an opportunity for the Islamic Republic of Iran to explain its policies on the future and also find solutions to deal with policies that target the entire world."

      Current date/time is Sun 26 Jan 2025, 6:16 am