BAGHDAD: Iraq News Network - The Commission on oil and energy parliamentary, hosting and Electricity Minister Qassim Fahdawi, mid - August next to discuss the power crisis in the country and increase the discontinuity of the stream. According to a statement to media circle parliamentary Today: " The committee was chaired by MP Iaraz Abdullah , Chairman of the Committee members and who attended the meeting today, were discussed during the meeting the decisions of theprevious meeting and discuss a number of draft laws on the committee, including the National Oil Company Act, the Ministry of Electricity and the law of the Iraqi Atomic Energy Commission andthe law to exempt foreign companies and subcontractors foreign contractors licensing rounds in decades. " The Committee decided according to the statement " to host the Minister of Electricity on 14.08.2016 and hosting energy experts to discuss the draft National Energy Board Act." The statement pointed out that " the meeting also touched on the subject of the presidency of theCommittee, as Chairman of the Committee stressed welcomed any agreement or mechanism is reached , whether by election or by consensus." The meeting agreed , according to the statement "on the need to speed up the legislation of all laws relating to the work of the Committee in order toachieve the interests of the Iraqi people and overcome all the problems and obstacles faced by theoil and energy sector."